Overwhelmed. I felt that every day. Not even six months into my nursing career, with Covid cases spiking, tears were a part of every shift.
It was during this time that God brought a patient into my life who taught me what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the “least of these.”
Initially admitted because of Covid, she was destitute, discouraged, and homeless. A lifetime of rough living had left her jaded and demanding. She was with us for almost three weeks before we discharged her.
Several weeks later, I fought dismay as I saw her name as one of my patients again. Losing her will to live due to her deteriorating health and lack of family support, she had quit eating or even leaving the couch. Extremely malnourished with grotesque bed sores, we all knew she was dying. So did she, and her tears and emptiness were touching.
One day as I was getting her a drink, I felt an overwhelming urge to verbally pray for her. Every reason this was a bad idea immediately flooded my brain and tormented me on the way back to her room. As I entered and saw her tears again, my heart melted.
“May I pray with you?” Her only response was a nod. Awkwardly I prayed for peace, comfort and salvation in her life. I do not remember my exact words, but they were short and not eloquent.
But from that point on, our relationship changed. While it still was not easy, God gave me the ability to see her as He saw her. Through His power, I saw a soul needing a Savior instead of a jaded addict. In time, it became an honor to stand in for the family she did not have. I learned to love her, and saw a different side of her personality than before. Since she now knew I served Jesus, I felt compelled to minister to her as He would have.
I wish I could say that I was able to lead her to the Lord, but that privilege was not mine before she was moved to comfort care. I have thought of her multiple times over the years, because it was through her that the Lord showed me my frontline position could be the hands and feet of Jesus for the very “least of these.”
1 Comment
Gay Dahl
January 9, 2025 at 12:51 pmSo love this! Funny who becomes our teachers along this journey! So happy you followed his promptings to pray for her! It is easy to love those who are easy to love but I believe those who are hardest are the ones most in need. Bless you for sharing and loving His daughter so well! Beautiful!