Church Activities

  • Church Activities Labor


    For a long time, I just went to church. I didn't want to be too involved because being out front is pretty scary. I don't know a lot of scripture or a lot about theology, so I felt I was pretty limited on what I could do. Then a friend asked me what area I serve in at church. I sheepishly told him nowhere. He was astonished. We talked a bit about me, my personality, and what sorts of things I like to do. He said the sound team was looking for more help. He said they'd train me and I would… Read More

  • Church Activities Labor


    I started working in the GE factory when I graduated from high school. I worked there until the day they shut it down, 20 years later. For months, I had been trying to find a job knowing that mine was soon coming to an end. But nothing. On that last day of work, I went home and wondered how I would provide for my wife and children. Our pastor had been speaking on relying on God for our needs, so I did what he said: I prayed a very simple prayer and asked God to provide a job for me. The next… Read More

  • Church Activities Food Unique Ministries


    I was looking for a way to help our local community. I absolutely love helping people because that's how I came to know the love of Christ. I was at a low point in life and some Christians reached out with kindness. Their generosity was so surprising that it led me to give my heart to Jesus. I'm so thankful for them and that's why I am always looking for ways to help others. Since I work, I couldn't be at our church's food bank distribution time. That is my absolute favorite ministry, but the time just doesn't work with my… Read More

  • Church Activities Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


    When I was 36, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My husband and I had been in college ministry with Campus Outreach for a decade when this very difficult time hit in our lives. We also had two young sons. I had spent many years walking with God and studying his Word, but this painful challenge came as a shock to our lives and our faith. I wrestled with God through surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation. There was plenty of suffering, but we stood on the truths we had learned and taught others. After several harrowing years, I was blessed to be… Read More

  • Church Activities Loving Your Neighbor Unique Ministries


    If you have seen comfort dogs on site at crisis situations, then you've probably seen a member of the LCC K-9 Comfort Dog ministry team---a network of volunteers and dogs working together to bring compassion where it is needed. This powerful ministry officially began in 2008, but God was working on it even before it became "official." When Hurricane Katrina hit, the LCC Disaster Response Team set up a disaster triage. The team was asked to perform search and rescue for people with animals as many people were refusing to leave their flooding homes without their pets. The team saw firsthand the… Read More

  • Church Activities Senior Citizens Unique Ministries


    I was a pastor of the same church for over 50 years. In that time, we moved from a small store front property to a large building that sat 500 in the sanctuary. And we ended up filling every seat on more than one occasion. By the time I retired, the church had grown to where it had two services to meet the needs of the growing congregation. The Lord certainly did some amazing work while I was pastoring. Since retiring, though, I have found that the Lord has even more for me to do. My days aren't as full as… Read More

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