
  • Financial Help Homeless Recovery Unique Ministries


    I've spent the last two years placing families who have lost their homes through natural disasters into free RVs so they have a place to live. But I’ve received the greatest blessing because I’ve seen God working miracles and bringing me back to Him. I accepted Jesus at 16 but I hadn’t been walking closely with Him for some time. In 2018, my six-year-old daughter, Luna, and I were preparing to have our first Thanksgiving alone in Colorado. I wanted to do something to show her the meaning of giving. I heard about the people of Paradise, California where 50,000 people… Read More

  • Children Homeless Labor Unique Ministries


    There are thousands of kids here in Nigeria that don't know where their next meal is coming from or where they'll be sleeping tonight. I should know. I was one of them. I lived on the streets for four years when I was young. I passed the time and took my mind off my situation by teaching myself to dance. Something wonderful happens when you are dancing---you let yourself go and you become totally free. But there were so many days that were very difficult. I knew at a young age that God had a purpose for my life and I… Read More

  • Homeless Labor Unique Ministries


    I travel around the country giving free haircuts to the homeless, veterans and anyone going through tough financial times. There is something about a fresh haircut that puts a bounce in your step. But I don't look at these as just haircuts. I feel I am empowering people because this gives them a bit of hope and an assurance that someone cares about them. That's why I named my ministry, Empowering Cuts. As a kid, my dad used to give me haircuts because we couldn't afford going to a barber. But honestly, he would mess up my hair really badly. So I guess… Read More

  • Homeless Labor Unique Ministries


    For several years, I battled an eating disorder that consumed my days. I was dieting or binging, and always hating who I was. One day, I promised a friend that I would come and serve the homeless with her, since I've always had a desire to help the homeless. Instead of going with her, I went to the beach, crying and feeling sorry for myself. I texted her to let her know I could not make it because of how sad I was. She replied, “Come down here and shine the light that God has placed inside you.” I… Read More

  • Homeless Labor Unique Ministries


    For most of my life, I never would have imagined I would be the director of a nonprofit helping our homeless neighbors get back on their feet. Twelve years ago, my seemingly ideal life and marriage ended in divorce. I was depressed, angry and resentful. Three weeks later, I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Consumed by all I had lost, I made a choice that has guided my life ever since. I chose to give my life to God. I let go of all my attempts at control. I prayed (and still do) every morning for God to help me… Read More

  • Food Homeless Labor Recovery


    I’m always amazed at God’s plan. When I was young, I saw my mom go through abusive relationships, homelessness and other hardships. She walked through and overcame tragic challenges. Two seeds were planted in me: a drive to succeed and a heart for mothers. I had my own vision of success, and I used it to become a fairly affluent businessman. But my idea of “making it” was not fulfilling. God had a different plan. He softened my heart for people and showed me what fruitfulness really looked like. His plan involved a change of location and a ministry I never… Read More

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