
  • Children Labor Unique Ministries


    Every Monday evening, the practice rooms in our Fine Arts hall are filled with university student music instructors and pupils eager to learn piano, guitar or drums. However, this isn't just another music school. This is a Christian ministry called WOVEN: With One Voice Energizing Neighborhoods. It all started 16 years ago when another faculty member and I decided to begin giving piano lessons to the neighborhood kids surrounding our inner-city campus. Our mission is to provide opportunities for success through music literacy and performance for the children of downtown Minneapolis through mentoring and teaching music. We work on theory,… Read More

  • Church Activities Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    I was born in Brazil and moved to North Carolina with my family when I was 11. During high school, I was an agnostic or maybe an atheist. But, after wrestling with my thoughts about God, I came to faith during my freshman year of college when a friend introduced me to Jesus. I spent my college years falling more in love with the God, learning how to study His Word, and sharing my grace story with others. After graduating, I worked for four years with a college ministry, where I helped launch a new chapter of Campus Outreach in… Read More

  • Labor Mission Work


    I am a missionary kid. I grew up in Panama where I joined my parents in ministry throughout the country. I saw God do some pretty amazing things. When I was a child, I was called to missions. Honestly, I always assumed my life would be me and my family living overseas, doing the work of the Lord. So, when I moved to Tanzania after college, it seemed my dreams were becoming a reality. However, when my two-year assignment in Tanzania finished, I found myself single, alone, and heading back the United States without a real direction for my future. I… Read More

  • Children Hospital Labor Unique Ministries


    In September of 2011, the son of one of my marketing clients was struck by a car. He was a very active eight-year-old and had broken both of his legs. I went searching for a gift for him and couldn’t find what I had in mind. He loved his favorite team and was going to be laying in a hospital bed recovering for a long time. So that night, I stayed up until 3 a.m. creating the first ever Roll Tide Activity Book as a gift for him. Just a month prior, I had changed my prayers, asking God to help… Read More

  • Food Labor Unique Ministries


    Food is the way God led me to serve. About 18 years ago, my husband first volunteered as a driver for a local food pantry in our home state, Alaska. Unlike most soup kitchens or food pantries, this food pantry also delivered the food right to the doors of those in need, since they usually didn't have access to reliable transportation. This organization had two drivers who would deliver, and one person to pack the food. While my husband enjoyed delivering the food, I was not as comfortable driving in the Alaskan winters. So I began as a volunteer food packer,… Read More

  • Children Labor Mentoring


    High school was pretty rough for me. I spent those years struggling with identity and friendships, so when I graduated, I declared I would never go back. Of course, God, with His sense of humor, had other plans. During college, He revealed how my pain from high school could be used to pour into the next generation. I began to see how my testimonies could help other girls know they aren't alone in their trials, and God could use me to disciple them. I became a Young Life leader and worked as a high school teacher after I graduated college.… Read More

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