
  • Children Labor Mentoring


    To most, I am known as simply "Coach." As the local high school's football coach, I spend a great deal of time with high school boys. Many of them come from broken homes and could very easily end up on a very bad path. However, I realize the Lord has placed me in this particular job at this specific school to pour myself into these boys and help them become all they can be. For many of them, I am the closest thing to a father they will ever know. That is why my office door is always open. My players know they… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Labor Mission Work


    It’s been said that life can change in an instant. For me, a trip to Africa in 2012 altered the course of my life forever. On that trip, I was introduced firsthand to orphans. I had read about them and seen videos, but actually holding a child who did not know the love of a family stirred my heart. Already a mother to two beautiful girls, my heart was pulled in the direction of international adoption. In 2013, my husband and I started the long and difficult journey of growing our family through adoption. We knew we were being called to adopt… Read More

  • Church Activities Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    To a lot of people, the word "pastor" implies leading without serving. The truth is so much different. We are part of the body of Christ, just like people in our congregation. I felt called to the ministry in 1988. I was a young man attending a retreat in New Mexico, and during the last night, I felt God calling out to me. He said, "come serve me," and He wouldn't let me go until I did. Up until that point in my life, I'd been helping my dad run his air conditioning business. When I left that field to… Read More

  • Children Labor Loving Your Neighbor Unique Ministries


    I was having a hard time deciding what I was going to do with my life. I prayed that God would use me as His vessel. I didn't hear anything from Him for a while. But in 2015, I was driving my car and saw an elderly man really struggling to cut his grass. So I got out of my car and helped him finish the yard. When I was driving away, I was amazed at how good that felt. And I truly believed God was speaking to me. So as I was finishing up my computer science degree, I would find widows, veterans, disabled or elderly people that… Read More

  • Church Activities Labor Unique Ministries


    I am a foreman of a construction crew. I really enjoy what I do for a living. I get to work with my hands, and with the help of my crew, create something that is needed. It's a lot of fun to see a bridge be built, a building rise out of nothing, or a road be fixed. At church, I do similar work for God. There always seems to be a need for something to be built. Whether it's a half pipe for the teenagers to skate on, the set of a musical for the children, more risers for the… Read More

  • Church Activities Labor Prayer


    My father came to this great country for a better life. He came to know the Lord Jesus as his personal savior and his change meant great persecution. When he arrived in the United States, he dedicated his life to preaching the truth of who Jesus is to the Italian immigrant community. I remember my father praying daily that his children would have a relationship with Jesus, and that someday our family would have pastors and missionaries in it. Now that my father has passed, remembering those prayers gives me great comfort. I have done all I can to follow… Read More

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