The opioid crisis is killing thousands of young people in America. And I hope to do something about it. Too often, people believe that a life in Christ is incompatible with a life in science. My story says otherwise. In my life, the two fed off one another and have led me down a clear path of serving beyond the walls of a church. I have always been involved in church. My father even thought I might go into ministry. But I was fascinated by science and became a doctor, working in pediatrics. I found myself drawn to cases involving forensics, eventually… Read More
How can we possibly reach more young people with the Good News of Jesus? We have to find a way! God's heartbeat is "souls". He wants His followers to do everything possible to bring others to Him. He doesn't delight in the death of a sinner, and will stop at nothing to see the last sinner saved. Growing up in a Christian family, I thought everyone knew Jesus and worshiped God like I did. But that is not the case. I thought, why not reach young people through the creative arts, like rap music, poetry and dance? My pastor has… Read More
When you see something as a young child, it can have an amazing influence on the rest of your life. Growing up, I watched my grandparents as they cared for their special needs son---my uncle. They took care of him well into his adult years. My grandparents gave him a wonderful life, and I learned a lot from their example of Christ's love to my uncle. When it was time for me to enter college, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. A frustrating semester as a social studies education major was all it took for me to realize I… Read More
As early as the first grade, I remember hating school. While my older brothers were studying and succeeding in their academic endeavors, I was staring at the classroom clock, waiting for the bell to ring. As I approached the end of high school, I opted to study auto mechanics at a vocational school instead of the regular school classes and prayed for school to be over so I could start doing manual work. Graduation marked the end of my schooling and I started a job where I helped build airplanes. During this time, I became a true believer and began reading… Read More
I am in awe of the way the Lord orchestrates our lives so they glorify Him. My mother and I share the same birthday, and since she passed away, I’m often bitter on that day each year because she isn’t with me. Earlier in my life, this bitterness led me to only superficially care for those around me; I wasn’t able to see the larger vision the Lord had for me. After feeling unfulfilled in my advertising career, I turned to my mother’s profession and enrolled in nursing school. It was there that I realized the practice of caring for others… Read More
I spent my first 23 years on earth living for myself and my personal achievements. I wanted to work hard in college so I could go to medical school and then become a doctor. It wasn’t until meeting a girl in college (who would later become my wife) that I discovered achievements alone wouldn’t satisfy me. As I sat reading Tim Keller’s “The Reason for God” after getting into medical school, I realized that no matter what I accomplished on this earth for myself, it would be lackluster. I would still have a feeling of emptiness. God compelled me to… Read More