
  • Labor Overcoming Obstacles Verbalizing the Gospel


    My mother had three sonograms before I was born and none of them indicated any problems. But I was born without arms and legs. That obviously made life extremely challenging. I had tremendous parents but I was bullied throughout the early years of school. I became depressed and even had suicidal thoughts. My life changed when I was 15. I read how Jesus said the blind man was born that way so the works of God would be revealed through him. If God had a plan for that man, I certainly believed He had one for me. I totally surrendered… Read More

  • Children Labor Prayer


    I'm a teacher in a public elementary school. As a follower of Christ, I have always felt working in a public school is my mission field. I feel the Lord has called me to do what I can to reach my students with the love of Jesus. The children who go through my class each year are prayed for and loved by Jesus through me. This year, I have some children with some difficult behavior problems and even harder home lives. They have my heart. During my devotion time as I was praying for my students, God brought to mind Psalm… Read More

  • Children Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    The opioid crisis is killing thousands of young people in America. And I hope to do something about it. Too often, people believe that a life in Christ is incompatible with a life in science. My story says otherwise. In my life, the two fed off one another and have led me down a clear path of serving beyond the walls of a church. I have always been involved in church. My father even thought I might go into ministry. But I was fascinated by science and became a doctor, working in pediatrics. I found myself drawn to cases involving forensics, eventually… Read More

  • Children Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    How can we possibly reach more young people with the Good News of Jesus? We have to find a way! God's heartbeat is "souls". He wants His followers to do everything possible to bring others to Him. He doesn't delight in the death of a sinner, and will stop at nothing to see the last sinner saved. Growing up in a Christian family, I thought everyone knew Jesus and worshiped God like I did. But that is not the case. I thought, why not reach young people through the creative arts, like rap music, poetry and dance? My pastor has… Read More

  • Labor Special Needs


    When you see something as a young child, it can have an amazing influence on the rest of your life. Growing up, I watched my grandparents as they cared for their special needs son---my uncle. They took care of him well into his adult years. My grandparents gave him a wonderful life, and I learned a lot from their example of Christ's love to my uncle. When it  was time for me to enter college, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. A frustrating semester as a social studies education major was all it took for me to realize I… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    As early as the first grade, I remember hating school. While my older brothers were studying and succeeding in their academic endeavors, I was staring at the classroom clock, waiting for the bell to ring. As I approached the end of high school, I opted to study auto mechanics at a vocational school instead of the regular school classes and prayed for school to be over so I could start doing manual work. Graduation marked the end of my schooling and I started a job where I helped build airplanes. During this time, I became a true believer and began reading… Read More

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