
  • Labor


    I've always loved music. One of my earliest memories is standing on a pew between my mother and father on a Sunday morning, hymnal in hand, singing to Jesus. And I've also always loved crafting. It brings me so much joy to make something special and unique for someone else. I wanted to find a way to combine what I love doing with what inspires me. I began making beautiful, unique necklaces and bracelets that contain simple phrases from hymns and scripture, and offer them through an online Etsy store. Phrases like "Then sings my soul" and "Tis so sweet"… Read More

  • Children Homeless Labor


    It's amazing what God can do creating something glorious out of our ashes. I went through hell and back several years ago, losing my mom to brain cancer, then my dad to the same disease, and a month later, my grandpa to a freak accident. But, what I've learned out of these losses is that God is real. He is true. And His relationship with us is truly one-on-one. The only formula that dictates our relationship is the one that He designed. I also came to the humble realization that each person lives in his or her own struggles and… Read More

  • Labor Special Needs


    In the 70’s, I worked for a telephone call center that would call and check on blind and disabled people, to make sure they were okay. When I would talk with them, one thing kept coming up over and over again: they didn't have enough help for their everyday activities. So, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit. I started looking for volunteers to run errands for the disabled, to get them out of their homes just to go shopping or take them to recreational activities. To read their mail, fill out paperwork, and take them to medical appointments. The need… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    I run a small pet grooming business. Sometimes, it's difficult to compete against huge corporations, but somehow God provides for me in the most intimate of ways. I still have concerns about the business, but even when I'm not sure He's looking, He lets me know He sees me. The other day I experienced a mini-miracle. One of my employees, who has become a good friend and has been working with me for nearly six years, decided to put in his two-weeks notice. I felt very discouraged but within the hour, my shop phone was ringing and a new groomer… Read More

  • Labor Senior Citizens Verbalizing the Gospel


    I was an electrician for the first part of my career but in 2000, I injured my back and had to undergo major surgery. The surgeon told me I would need to find a new line of work. You have a lot of time to think when you're laying in a hospital bed and I started praying about what God wanted me to do now that I had to make a career change. It's amazing how you can "hear" God when you are quiet. He spoke to me, saying I needed to minister to people in hospitals. There was a guy in… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    I own a nail salon. In my line of business, customer service is key. I decided to open my own business so I could offer a smile and a listening ear to my clients. Often when people come to the salon, they've had a long day, are in a hurry, and are trying to treat themselves. They use this place as an escape. I am a Christian, and I want others to see that through my work. I have an opportunity to share my faith each day. I work six days a week and have chosen to be closed on… Read More

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