
  • Children Labor Special Needs


    It is intriguing how the Lord will use one person or event to change the course of our lives. A year and a half ago, I heard Joni Erickson Tada speak at church. After listening to her, my daughter and I volunteered as camp counselors at the Joni and Friends Family Retreat. I was so moved that I now volunteer in our church's ministry that serves people and families who are touched by disability. But I also learned about a ministry called Unless U, which serves adults with developmental disabilities and their families through continuing education and by promoting life… Read More

  • Labor Special Needs


    Dance has always been my biggest passion. I started dancing at age two, grew up attending dance intensives and conferences, and was on dance team at a Division 1 school. After college, I started praying for opportunities to use my passion for dance to help others, and almost immediately, people came into my life that led me to opportunities to teach at various non-profits. In my free time, I now teach special needs dance classes. Seeing the joy on the children's faces has been a blessing, and I truly enjoy the time I get to spend with my students. I… Read More

  • Labor


    I'm not a builder. I don't know much about hammers, screw drivers or other tools. But when my company was putting together a group of volunteers to help clean and build with Habitat for Humanity, I felt that was something I could do. I certainly could clean out flower beds, cut shrubs, and with some instruction, may even be able to use a hammer. The point was, I wanted to be used by the Lord to show others who He is. People who have fallen on tough times--emotionally, spiritually, financially, physically--they need someone to invest in them. Meeting them where they are,… Read More

  • Church Activities Labor


    I love to serve and help others. A few years ago, I became the "Community Missions Coach" at my church. I wanted us to get involved in the schools around our area. I began looking for volunteers to help around the low income schools within our community. And now, we do yard clean-up, painting, washing the playground equipment and planting flowers. We've even purchased new trash cans to go in front of the school. Our focus is to support the school staff and help the students have a school they can be proud of, all in the name of Jesus. People would ask,… Read More

  • Children Labor Prayer


    I work in the NICU at a large hospital in the heart of the city. When children are born with deficiencies, they are sent to my unit. It is here that I take their vitals, feed them, change them, give them medicine, and most importantly, love on them and pray for them each day. Some of these children have parents who stop by regularly, and some have parents that are out of the picture. I see both happy and sad situations as well as outcomes every day. Regardless of the circumstance, I treat each child as if he or she were my very… Read More

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