When my husband was deployed a few months ago, our son was very sad. He had never been away from his dad and he really missed him. Of all things, they had a special bond of doing yard work together. A couple days after the deployment, our son said he was going over to our neighbor's house to see if Dean could come out and work in the yard with him. Dean is not a child---he has a wife and three girls as well as a full-time job. But Dean set aside whatever he was doing and started raking the yard… Read More
Loving Your Neighbor
I have always had a passion for animals, and knew I had to get involved when I came across two huskies belonging to a young Marine on a Facebook group I follow. The group is for men and women that get deployed and need to find a temporary home for their animals while they're serving. The foster family he lined up had fallen through, and he was going to have to give up his beloved dogs while he was serving overseas for a year. I could only imagine the devastation he was feeling. My husband and I talked it over and decided… Read More
I started putting together love-on-the go bags about five years ago. I got inspired while driving and consistently being stopped at a certain street corner where homeless people ask for money or help. I would scrounge in my car to try to find anything to give--a water bottle, a power bar, or some spare change. But one day, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to do more. After praying about this, I decided to put together ready-to-go bags with loving messages, hygiene products, first aid kits, socks, food and water. Now, I'm never empty-handed when passing or driving by someone… Read More
My mom raised me to see the poor, to view life through the eyes of people who are economically at the bottom. She taught me that people living in impoverished conditions need help, and that I could serve through prayer, mission trips or volunteering. However, my perspective dramatically changed when I began working as a nanny for a wealthy family in California. Before working there, I had a mental picture of how wealthy people lived; I saw wealth as privilege without struggle. What I didn't expect to see was genuine need. These people had real struggles like everyone else, just… Read More
The Bible says love your neighbor as yourself, but what does it actually mean? How do we actually love our neighbors as ourselves? I began praying and asking the Lord to show what it looked like for me. He showed me several ways that we could love our neighbors. My children and I made goody bags filled with candy, scripture cards, candles, hand soaps, and homemade goods to pass out for Valentines Day, Easter (which also would include a Bible), Summer, Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our children looked so forward to making these bags and passing them out in the evenings.… Read More
My wife has Alzheimer's, so every afternoon I drive her through the country and we talk about the "good old days." I'm trying to bring back any remnants of memories she has left. On our way to the country, we always pass the same homeless man on a downtown corner. One day, I decided to stop and talk to him, and now it's become part of our routine. Each time we see Rick, I give him a little money, and he always gives me something in return. The items he gives me aren't as impactful as the stories he tells me, and… Read More