The year I entered acting college in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, I began to grow seriously depressed. I did not know the Lord then. I had always wondered what the meaning of my life was, why I was here. Now, I was facing daily criticism from my instructors, grieving over my grandmother’s death. I frequently went home crying. One day, a Christian evangelism group organized a church service at our school's theatre hall. Who were these people? Why did they seem to have so much purpose and love? Then, they left and I went back to my daily struggle, and the… Read More
Overcoming Obstacles
My life was forever changed when I was diagnosed with my first brain tumor. I was experiencing severe headaches, and I knew something was wrong. When the results of the MRI came back and the doctor told me, I wanted to scream. I was devastated and cried uncontrollably. "Why me, Lord?" I yelled. But after a few days, I heard the Holy Spirit say "Why not you?" He told me He'd always be with me and not to be discouraged. Since then, I've had a peace that is hard to explain. The Bible says that it passes all understanding, and in… Read More
I tried to take my life once. I had so many bad things happen: I had been molested, raped, physically abused and I've had a child die. I have been a Christian since I was seven years old. But I thought there must be something wrong with me and that I must be a bad Christian if all these horrible things were taking place in my life. I sat down one night and told God that I couldn't deal with the pain of this world any longer and I wanted to come live with Him. So I took a bunch of pills.… Read More
You never know where God will lead you on life's journey, but if you're open to His will, it can be quite a ride. I was in the pharmaceutical industry while also serving in the Army reserves for 32 years. When I was retiring from the reserves, a friend invited me to be part of a four-day event at the Kairos prison ministry. I had never been to a prison or an event like that, and I was incredibly moved. So impacted that I got involved teaching a Bible study twice a week at a correctional facility, and a few… Read More
When I was 12, I was raped by three teenage boys. It shook me to my core. I felt scarred, was blamed for it, reacted with rebellious behavior and began running away from home, repeatedly. At 15, I was on the streets and miserable. A man I knew said he "loved" me, and offered me a home. He was nice; he knew I needed food and shelter. It turns out there were four other girls living there. He said we each had to bring in a certain amount of money daily to support our family. He was our husband, daddy or… Read More
I've had some traumatic experiences in my life. But I know God allowed me to go through these to help me grow and use them for His Glory. As an educator, I now use these trials to encourage my students. God blessed me with a sister and we were each other's source of strength as young children. Our life was not conventional; some may even say it was hard; however, I believe some of those life lessons taught me how to be a survivor. As a young adult, my sister was killed in a car wreck. It was a devastating loss. Then… Read More