Prison Ministry Recovery


I found myself in the pit of life. I partook in all the vices imaginable and didn’t know how to turn my life around.

I had always been resistant to God. I tried to take myself to places where God would never be pushed on me. But even in a bar where I could drink and forget about my life, someone came right up to me and began sharing testimony of God’s love. This was the first of many instances that God touched my heart in the most unexpected situations and places.

Prison is when I truly began my authentic connection with God. I could no longer partake in any of the vices that distracted me. Instead, I picked up the Bible and started to read. I read the Word, got closer to God, and started reflecting on the lessons that the Word was teaching me. Even when you feel completely alone and hopeless, God is always beside you. I started seeing God’s presence in the everyday.

I came to realize that it was finally time in my life to stop running from God. The ultimate goal is to have control over my own actions and allow the love of God cleanse my heart. Everything I had been doing up to that point in my life brought me temporary, but not long-term, pleasure. That needed to change.

I got more involved with church and with ministry. I went back to spread the Word of God and share testimony to women in prison to let them know God has the power to break us out of this cycle. Even if they were on the streets and found security in having three meals a day and a roof over their heads in prison, there are resources out there that can help them turn around their life. And I am living proof.

With the Holy Spirit inside of me, I am a vessel of His Word. Sharing God’s love has brought me an incredible amount of joy. I had chosen a difficult life but experienced revelation. I am a messenger of God. Because of Him, I went from the pit to the palace.

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