Unique Ministries

  • Mentoring Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


    I tried to take my life once. I had so many bad things happen: I had been molested, raped, physically abused and I've had a child die. I have been a Christian since I was seven years old. But I thought there must be something wrong with me and that I must be a bad Christian if all these horrible things were taking place in my life. I sat down one night and told God that I couldn't deal with the pain of this world any longer and I wanted to come live with Him. So I took a bunch of pills.… Read More

  • Loss Of Loved One Prison Ministry Unique Ministries


    This is our son who died in the county jail 11 years ago. He accepted Christ as a teen, but hung out with the wrong guys and got involved in drugs. Drugs became his escape. To some his story might seem heartbreaking but it is really a story of redemption. For fifteen months, my wife and I prayed that God would restore and heal our son. He did, but just not the way we had envisioned. Our son spent eight days in jail. God worked in his heart and, on the Sunday two days before he died, he rededicated his life to… Read More

  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery Unique Ministries


    When I was 12, I was raped by three teenage boys. It shook me to my core. I felt scarred, was blamed for it, reacted with rebellious behavior and began running away from home, repeatedly. At 15, I was on the streets and miserable. A man I knew said he "loved" me, and offered me a home. He was nice; he knew I needed food and shelter. It turns out there were four other girls living there. He said we each had to bring in a certain amount of money daily to support our family. He was our husband, daddy or… Read More

  • Prayer Recovery Unique Ministries


    I was a picture of good health until May 2001. We were vacationing at the beach when I got a call from my doctor, telling me I had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The news brought me to my knees. I was scared and shaken, wondering how this could be. Me? I took a walk alone on the beach, crying out to God. And on that long walk, I met God like I never had before. In my fear and through my cries, I got a message that this was not the end. He told me I would be alright, but He wanted me… Read More

  • Senior Citizens Special Needs Unique Ministries


    Jesus instructed us to use our talents for His glory, and that is what I try to do with my music. I play a variety of musical instruments including the violin, fiddle and guitar, and even some unique instruments such as the Irish bouzouki and bodhran. Music is an integral part of my life and has been since I was a little girl. I wanted to spread the word about God's love in a way that tapped into my passion and talent. So I started a music ministry at the local hospital every Sunday morning. I begin by playing some traditional… Read More

  • Children Hospital Unique Ministries


    Our local Children's Hospital uses these shiny Radio Flyer wagons throughout their facility. They are a wonderful distraction for the kids---parents wheel their child around the building to give them a much-needed break from lying in a hospital bed. They're also used in place of luggage racks so people utilize the wagons to move their suitcases in and out of the hospital. Whenever I'd visit Children's Hospital, I would wonder who did the upkeep on these wagons. It turns out one of the men in my church was doing it, and he recruited several church members to join him. I… Read More

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