Sometimes God gives you stepping stones to build up courage to do something scary. For me, that began when God opened my eyes to the suffering in the world. But, I did not even know where to begin. Plus, it was scary to think about leaving everything I knew. However, when a friend asked me if I would regret not going abroad after God gave me this desire, I knew I would. God used this conversation as another stepping stone. Then, I took the next step and attended a job fair that very week. It was at this job fair where I learned about a job in Honduras. I did not have any specific country in mind. I merely prayed with my hands open, and God led me to Honduras to teach at a bilingual school. After I moved to Honduras, I found an English-speaking church I could attend. At my very first visit to this church, I met the director of the Micah Project. This ministry works with boys on the street to help them become leaders in their homes, churches, and communities, so they can learn to break the cycles of poverty and addiction that are rampant on the city streets. After learning about this ministry and seeing it first-hand, I knew I needed to take another step (or, rather, a big leap). God had led me to Honduras for this purpose. I did not go to Honduras as a missionary; I came to Honduras for a job at a school. I never thought I would be living off ministry support as a… Read More
How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith
Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
I'm a teacher in a public elementary school. As a follower of Christ, I have always felt working in a public school is my mission field. I feel the Lord has called me to do what I can to reach my students with the love of Jesus. The children who go through my class each year are prayed for and loved by Jesus through me. This year, I have some children with some difficult behavior problems and even harder home lives. They have my heart. During my devotion time as I was praying for my students, God brought to mind Psalm 139. The Lord reminded me that each student is fearfully and wonderfully made. Each one is special and loved by Him. One of those students the Lord has particularly placed on my heart asks me regularly if I believe in demons. She says she sees demons in her room at night who talk to her, and she is scared. For several weeks, I chose a scripture and prayed over her. I prayed over her desk before school started and would breathe prayers over her as I roamed the room during class time. It was all I could do. As a public school teacher, I am not allowed to openly share about Jesus. But I can pray. She came to me one day out of the blue and said, "do you know what is stronger than anything in the world?" I was waiting for the name of a popular superhero or sports figure. She said, "Jesus is stronger than anything." I asked her how… Read More
The opioid crisis is killing thousands of young people in America. And I hope to do something about it. Too often, people believe that a life in Christ is incompatible with a life in science. My story says otherwise. In my life, the two fed off one another and have led me down a clear path of serving beyond the walls of a church. I have always been involved in church. My father even thought I might go into ministry. But I was fascinated by science and became a doctor, working in pediatrics. I found myself drawn to cases involving forensics, eventually moving into the role of Chief Medical Examiner of New Hampshire. While advancing in my career, I found myself maturing as a Christian, becoming more active in my church and even serving with The Gideons International. I also became heavily involved in the Boy Scouts when my children were young, and I never quit! I have served for nearly 20 years as an adult volunteer, currently as the chair of the Duty to God committee of our local Daniel Webster Council. This role in Boy Scouts is a major way God used my scientific knowledge and my spiritual beliefs to lead me to make an important life decision. As the opioid crisis hit New Hampshire, it became very oppressing. It was terribly difficult to see such large numbers of young people succumb to drug abuse and lose their lives. I wanted to make a difference so I retired to pursue the call to ministry. I am attending seminary in hopes of earning a… Read More
How can we possibly reach more young people with the Good News of Jesus? We have to find a way! God's heartbeat is "souls". He wants His followers to do everything possible to bring others to Him. He doesn't delight in the death of a sinner, and will stop at nothing to see the last sinner saved. Growing up in a Christian family, I thought everyone knew Jesus and worshiped God like I did. But that is not the case. I thought, why not reach young people through the creative arts, like rap music, poetry and dance? My pastor has given me the opportunity. We formed a group in my church called 3one6. It’s taken from Colossians 3:16. We preach the good news of Jesus Christ through music, spoken word, rap and dance. We go out to schools every week to minister to them. We teach them the word of God through our music. Many young lives have been saved and transformed through this ministry. I am so glad I can use the rap talent God gave me to win souls. What a privilege it is to reach out to others with His Word.
When I was 8 months old, I was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a disease where cancerous tumors form in your eyes. Doctors removed my left eye, but saved my right one through chemotherapy and radiation. My one eye let me see the beauty in this world, including my parents and twin sister. Over the next twelve years, the cancer came back eight times, and we beat it each time. But when I was 12, it returned with a vengeance and the treatment failed. The only option was to remove my right eye. My parents asked what I'd like to see in my remaining time with sight. I'd always been a huge fan of USC, so I wanted to see one more Trojan game. Coach Pete Carroll heard about my story and made me part of the Trojan family. It was a dream come true and one of the last things I did before doctors performed the operation. Being blind obviously changed everything, but my parents encouraged me to continue pursuing my dreams. In high school I became restless as a bystander, and knew I had to find my way back on to the football field. I tried out for my high school team and became their long snapper. I also played golf, skied, surfed and went on mission trips. When it came time for college, I had my sights set on one school: USC. Shortly after getting into USC, the football program invited me to walk on to the team as a long snapper. For two years, I trained every day… Read More
It’s important for us as Christians to follow God’s whispers and to put our faith in Him no matter what obstacles we encounter. While attending my first Passion Conference in Atlanta as a high school senior, I learned about the End It Movement, which focuses on human trafficking. It was at this conference that God gave me a passion for educating others about the issue of modern day slavery. So, when I was a freshman in college, God laid it on my heart to lead a human trafficking awareness event at my school. Believing God wouldn't put something on my heart if He didn't want me to do something about it, I took a leap of faith and approached my school administrators about this idea. I was pleasantly surprised when they approved it. From there, God continued to give me ideas for the event, like involving various student groups to showcase their gifts. Students from the college volunteered to perform in dances, skits, and photo shoots to bring awareness to how human trafficking occurs. The director of a local organization that fights trafficking, Project4One, agreed to speak. But, then we started to encounter some hiccups. People told me to expect a light turnout because we were dealing with college students. But, I believed if I continued to trust Him, He would bring the people. So, that's what I did. I chose to believe God was in control, even when people dropped out of participating and when the entire sound system blew the night before the event. When the "27 Has a Name" event on February 27th… Read More