
  • Children Loss Of Loved One Mentoring Special Needs


    The challenges of caring for a child with special needs can be overwhelming. Care must be provided at all times. Our son, Aaron, had cerebral palsy, and we took loving care of him for 27 years until he passed away in 2009. Our loss devastated us, and we searched for how to make sense of it. We knew God had a plan, we just didn't understand it during that period. We didn't know what to do next, but from our personal experience, we always knew there needed to be some relief for the parents of children with special needs. While we were… Read More

  • Children


    My heart is and always has been teaching the youth. Teenagers are in the most vulnerable time in their lives, and I feel I should help make straight as many paths as possible. It says in 1 Corinthians 3:11, "For no man can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ." There are so many bad influences out there in the world today. We see this so often in movies, songs and video games. It is easy for our youth to take a step back from moral values and make bad choices. I feel it is up to… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children


    I did not grow up a Christian or in a Christian household. But my spiritual life dramatically changed when I met my future wife, since she was very grounded in her Christian faith. She is a teacher and has always worked with young children, so loving kids was always in her heart. Even before we had our four biological children, we always talked about adopting a child at some point. We thought a good first step would be to become a foster family to kids looking for a forever family. Our family ended up fostering two brothers, and I could… Read More

  • Children Financial Help


    When you are a young social worker who calls on families in a poor neighborhood, you see a number of things that break your heart. Some of these families have so little in life. One of my families has five children and just one toy between them to share. Kids learn how to deal with other people through play and toys, since it engages so many of our senses and builds confidence. But this family had just a single toy. My heart was heavy for these kids who had so little. I prayed about what to do, and felt like Jesus was… Read More

  • Children Prayer


    This winter season our family got bamboozled by 2017's epic virus infestation. It felt like we were in an underground bunker for weeks on end, surrounded by snot-infested tissues, fevers, vomit, screaming toddlers, and so little sleep. It was torture. When my kids are sick, I feel helpless, heartbroken, small and extremely tired. It's in moments like these I realize I have very little control in life, and this truly results in lots of prayer. Even though I desire control, I ultimately feel relief knowing Jesus "takes the wheel"--especially since half the time I'm just wondering where my keys are… Read More

  • Children Homeless Labor


    It's amazing what God can do creating something glorious out of our ashes. I went through hell and back several years ago, losing my mom to brain cancer, then my dad to the same disease, and a month later, my grandpa to a freak accident. But, what I've learned out of these losses is that God is real. He is true. And His relationship with us is truly one-on-one. The only formula that dictates our relationship is the one that He designed. I also came to the humble realization that each person lives in his or her own struggles and… Read More

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