God led me to walk away from a 17- year career in education as both a classroom teacher and school principal in order to bring to fruition Roots for Boots, a grassroots organization that aims to meet the needs and challenges of military heroes and their families. God is the CEO of the non-profit. I’m the Chief Enthusiasm Officer. I have always had a passion for serving and helping others. When I reflect on my life, I can clearly see how God was preparing me for this opportunity as well as see His hands move through all we do with Roots for… Read More
My wife and I have run a local food bank for over 20 years. We are both 80 years old and I’m on oxygen, but the Lord hasn’t told us to stop, so we just keep going. The Love In Action food bank is not just about the food; it’s really about showing and spreading the love of Jesus. It’s become a pretty big operation that is all a labor of love since no one takes a dime. Our food bank helps people going through a difficult stretch in their lives—someone that lost a job or came down with an illness.… Read More
It hurts my heart to see needs unmet and people in pain. And I see a lot of hurting people. As the Executive Director of Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, I come in contact with so many people in our community that don’t know when their next meal is coming. Food insecurity is real. There are countless families that encounter this each day. To be able to fill such a vital need brings joy to my heart. I’ve also learned that many of these people often need a listening ear, an encouraging word and sometimes just a hug. Growing up… Read More
Ministry is nothing more than being willing to do the work that God calls a believer to do. Sure, you can try to do it in your flesh. But the result will never be what could have been if His hand is not leading. That is why everything I have ever focused on in God’s work had to have His stamp of approval. Whether that was my work as a Pastor or reaching others though providing a food bank and Thanksgiving dinners. As the shepherd of a flock, God ordained my steps to preach the Word and see many come… Read More
When the devastating winter storm hit Texas in February of 2021, many of my high school football players and their families found themselves in a critical situation. Some didn't have heat, water, food or even transportation to get anything to eat. I texted a number of them to see what they might need and they told me of their dire situation. As their head coach, I knew I had to act. I’ve always made the foundation of our team be “Love Each Other. Serve Each Other.” It’s a way for me to share my Christian beliefs. But this was a time… Read More
If you’ve truly hit rock bottom and come out of it thanks to God’s blessings, then I think you should be a light to others that are struggling. I’ve lived with no running water, had my car repossessed and sold drugs just to feed my three little kids. I hit my lowest point 11 years ago when I saw an acquaintance walking on the street. I just offered him a ride and he gave me $10 for gas. What I didn’t know is that he had robbed someone earlier in the day. He was arrested, and because he was in my… Read More