I started teaching the three-year-old Sunday School class when I was only 16. For the last fifty years I have seen countless children come into my classroom. Some were scared and cried for their parents for weeks. Others marched in ready to play. Some came from wonderful homes where the peace of God permeates all members of the family. Others came from broken homes and lived in turmoil. Some from wealthy families where all their needs were met. Others came to me hungry and dirty wearing ill-fitting shoes. All were in need of love, compassion, and God's grace. More… Read More
I'm a teacher in a public elementary school. As a follower of Christ, I have always felt working in a public school is my mission field. I feel the Lord has called me to do what I can to reach my students with the love of Jesus. The children who go through my class each year are prayed for and loved by Jesus through me. This year, I have some children with some difficult behavior problems and even harder home lives. They have my heart. During my devotion time as I was praying for my students, God brought to mind Psalm… Read More
Mothers remember anniversaries of the important events in our children’s lives. While I have experienced many good and bad moments with my sons, Matthew and Jacob, two days will forever be etched in my memory. On August 10, 2014, I received that call that mothers dread. I was at home working when my husband, Barry, called to tell me Jacob was in an ATV wreck two hours away from our home in Cartersville, Georgia. I remember rushing out of work, telling my co-workers he had been hurt. Once we drove there, we found Jacob talking and yelling. But 15 minutes after… Read More
When I found out I had ovarian cancer, I had been a believer for 10 years and was the leader of our Sunday school for children. My doctors told me I would need to have surgery followed by chemotherapy. I learned what it meant to struggle with weakness, pain and worry on a daily basis. Our other Sunday school teachers created a schedule for visiting me and taking care of me. Our Sunday school kids drew pictures of me being healthy again and sent them to me. I finished the chemotherapy treatment but half a year later,… Read More
I spent my first 23 years on earth living for myself and my personal achievements. I wanted to work hard in college so I could go to medical school and then become a doctor. It wasn’t until meeting a girl in college (who would later become my wife) that I discovered achievements alone wouldn’t satisfy me. As I sat reading Tim Keller’s “The Reason for God” after getting into medical school, I realized that no matter what I accomplished on this earth for myself, it would be lackluster. I would still have a feeling of emptiness. God compelled me to… Read More
The year I entered acting college in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, I began to grow seriously depressed. I did not know the Lord then. I had always wondered what the meaning of my life was, why I was here. Now, I was facing daily criticism from my instructors, grieving over my grandmother’s death. I frequently went home crying. One day, a Christian evangelism group organized a church service at our school's theatre hall. Who were these people? Why did they seem to have so much purpose and love? Then, they left and I went back to my daily struggle, and the… Read More