God has blessed me with a burning desire to help people, especially the bruised and broken-hearted who feel unworthy and unlovable. Maybe it’s because I used to be standing in their shoes. Although I was saved when I was young and grew up in a Christian home, college happened. In an attempt to study longer hours and drop a few pounds, I tried meth. Over the course of eight years, I found myself not only addicted, but pregnant too. Desperate, I tried to contact an abortion clinic but got no answer so I went to a counseling center that turned… Read More
How do we become workaholics? The roots are many but mostly from our early identity formation. My workaholic journey began in my teens. Just before entering high school, my family moved from an urban industrial multiracial working-class city to a laid-back middle class suburban community. The cultural shock knocked my identity off its foundation. To fit in, I unwittingly became a people pleasing overachiever. There are upsides to hard work and high achievements. But my story reveals the toxic side of this trait when it forms our identity. As an insecure adolescent, I just wanted to be accepted but did not understand… Read More
God led me to be part of a ministry I never imagined. Located inside a women’s shelter, Prodigal Pottery teaches women who may have been victims of abuse, addiction or trafficking to make pottery. It’s amazing to see how God put all the pieces of this ministry in place. I majored in fine arts and went to Rwanda for a year to work with women's craft cooperatives and teach art to children orphaned from the genocide. When I came home, I wondered what doors God would open for me. The King’s Home, a faith-based women’s shelter, had been… Read More
I've spent the last two years placing families who have lost their homes through natural disasters into free RVs so they have a place to live. But I’ve received the greatest blessing because I’ve seen God working miracles and bringing me back to Him. I accepted Jesus at 16 but I hadn’t been walking closely with Him for some time. In 2018, my six-year-old daughter, Luna, and I were preparing to have our first Thanksgiving alone in Colorado. I wanted to do something to show her the meaning of giving. I heard about the people of Paradise, California where 50,000 people… Read More
I’m always amazed at God’s plan. When I was young, I saw my mom go through abusive relationships, homelessness and other hardships. She walked through and overcame tragic challenges. Two seeds were planted in me: a drive to succeed and a heart for mothers. I had my own vision of success, and I used it to become a fairly affluent businessman. But my idea of “making it” was not fulfilling. God had a different plan. He softened my heart for people and showed me what fruitfulness really looked like. His plan involved a change of location and a ministry I never… Read More
My accident was October 20, 2018. I was helping my family cut some firewood like I do every year. As we were working, a tree started to fall. I could see it coming and ran, but I wasn’t able to get out of the way and was caught under the tree. I had a fracture in two vertebrae, causing damage in the nerves, leaving me paralyzed from the neck down. My next stop was a rehab hospital and it was like entering into the unknown. I didn’t know how long I would be there, and the doctors weren’t sure whether… Read More