Indonesia 2014. I was on a tiny island on a mind-blowing surfing trip, and there I felt God awaken my heart to something new. No cell service or wi-fi was accessible for miles. All safety nets were gone, but I felt free, completely free. This trip was like nothing I had ever experienced. A few months later, I injured my back, and couldn't do anything physical. I was in chronic nerve pain for three months, which felt like a prison. This was one of the most difficult seasons of my life, yet I experienced a new sense of freedom in… Read More
Verbalizing the Gospel
I am a New Yorker, a painter, a wife, a soon-to-be mother and a sister who recently lost a sibling. Growing up, I was the youngest of five in my strong Italian-American family. We lost our brother, Matt, in the summer of 2015 to addiction. He was forty-eight. When I think of Matt, I tell everyone he was the smartest of us all, but more importantly he was loving, kind, caring and really funny. During his funeral, friends from everywhere flocked to comfort our family. They told of how his humor and love impacted their lives in such positive ways. It's… Read More
One afternoon, I was leaving the grocery store after running some errands and outside in the parking lot, I see a horrible scene unfold. As I walk toward my car, I see a man violently raging against this woman. He is winding his arms back ready to do some damage, but right then, with Hulk-like force, he shoves her out of his car. She hits the ground hard, back first. He drives off as quickly as his temper flares. I feel utter shock and dismay by this savage scene, but also prompted by the Holy Spirit to intervene. I… Read More
We are living in such tumultuous times, politically and spiritually. We live and work in a world that needs Jesus. I want to be someone who shows Christ's love so that people may know our Heavenly Father is THE living Savior. Right now, it seems our country is becoming so insular and fearful. It's as if we are all hiding in our own communities, instead of building bridges and connecting people who don't think the way we think, or believe the way we believe. This year, I have been participating in a weekly Bible study with my fellow Christian coworkers during… Read More
I run a small pet grooming business. Sometimes, it's difficult to compete against huge corporations, but somehow God provides for me in the most intimate of ways. I still have concerns about the business, but even when I'm not sure He's looking, He lets me know He sees me. The other day I experienced a mini-miracle. One of my employees, who has become a good friend and has been working with me for nearly six years, decided to put in his two-weeks notice. I felt very discouraged but within the hour, my shop phone was ringing and a new groomer… Read More
I was an electrician for the first part of my career but in 2000, I injured my back and had to undergo major surgery. The surgeon told me I would need to find a new line of work. You have a lot of time to think when you're laying in a hospital bed and I started praying about what God wanted me to do now that I had to make a career change. It's amazing how you can "hear" God when you are quiet. He spoke to me, saying I needed to minister to people in hospitals. There was a guy in… Read More