When I found out I had ovarian cancer, I had been a believer for 10 years and was the leader of our Sunday school for children. My doctors told me I would need to have surgery followed by chemotherapy. I learned what it meant to struggle with weakness, pain and worry on a daily basis. Our other Sunday school teachers created a schedule for visiting me and taking care of me. Our Sunday school kids drew pictures of me being healthy again and sent them to me. I finished the chemotherapy treatment but half a year later, the cancer came back. While I was getting treatment, I had moments where I grew very afraid. At one of those moments, I called a friend from my church. She was driving in a car with other believers and they stopped the car to pray for me over the phone. And God gave her a word: “There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out all fear” (1 John 4:18). When I heard those words, I found myself praying, “God, forgive me for not having perfect love. If I had perfect love, I would not be able to feel fear.” And I saw a vision of Jesus coming down from a large staircase. I experienced so much peace and joy at that moment. When God finally cured me of my illness, I self-published a book about my trial by fire, and even printed some copies in my native language. Now, I frequently give a copy of the book to other people who are going through cancer treatment. I visit people at the hospital and I pray for them over the phone. I know I was in the valley once. But did you know that trees which grow in the valley are thicker than trees that grow on level ground? They have stronger leaves and produce more fruit. I know God put me through my circumstances so that I could serve others.

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1 Comment
David Pigg
January 27, 2018 at 1:09 pmAmen Jesus walks with you