As a young girl in 1979, my family packed up and moved from a very small town in Hamilton, Ohio to a rural part of the state called Morrow. Our previous home was quite small but this house was three stories and was built before the civil war. With three children under the age of ten, no running water, and no electricity at first, my parents had their hands full. Our nearest neighbors were over a mile away in any direction and our house was located on a busy highway called State Route 22. Until the water and electricity was working, we took baths in a creek behind the house. Money was often tight, and it seemed there were many struggles for us. During one such time, when our pantry was almost bare, I listened as my mother spoke her fears aloud. For her, prayer was an ongoing conversation with the Father, not something that needed to be formal. She prayed, asking God to help my father find steady work, and for God to provide our home with food. My siblings were too small to understand much of this but I wasn't. I also prayed and hoped God would help us soon. My mother assured me, “God always provides.” Sometime the next day, there was an unexpected knock at our door. Since we were not expecting visitors, my mother wondered who it could be. An unfamiliar man stood before her. He explained that his refrigerated grocery truck had broken down on the highway, practically in front of our house. Wanting to call for… Read More
How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith
Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
I needed an interpreter to speak to my patients. I always looked my patients directly in the eyes when I spoke with them, communicating as much through my eyes and body language as I could; then my interpreter would tell them exactly what I said. In turn, I’d listen as my patients spoke back to me, absorbing as much as I could through their gaze, facial expressions, and hand gestures, and then get the rest of the story back from the interpreter. On my first mission trip to the mountains of Honduras, our bus and truck were loaded up with a generator, refrigerator, stove, and food. We were able to use a school as our medical office, since the children weren’t there at that time of year. We slept on cots and rearranged the desks and chairs in the classroom to create a makeshift office. There wasn’t much privacy, but we did the best we could. We try to do this every year, although we were unfortunately interrupted by Covid. Every day, patients would come in one after another, all day long. We didn’t leave the office until the last person had been seen. Often, whole families would come together for the day, receiving medical care and then going out to get rice and beans with vouchers, or to look through the donated clothes and shoes we had brought for them. The work was exhausting but so rewarding! With each patient, I tried to transfer the love of our Heavenly Father to them by giving them the care they needed. I had to… Read More
On March 17, 2017, the unthinkable happened. We lost our only son, Justin, to suicide. This after battling a 10-year addiction problem. I can’t even begin to describe the pain, grief, hurt, anger, and depression that followed. I lost my faith in God. Though raised a Christian, I questioned everything I once believed. I’d been praying for God to help Justin, to take away the pain from the addiction, to take away the addiction all together. When we lost Justin, I felt as if my prayers were just ignored. I felt God apparently favored some people over others. I say this because all my life, I had seen prayers answered for us and for many others. So, why not this prayer? Why had God decided to abandon all of us, in Justin’s most dire time of need? A couple of days after losing Justin, I remember standing in our backyard, having a shouting match with God. I yelled repeatedly, “Where were you? How could you let this happen to him?” It was then that I heard a quiet but very strong voice. “I was right there with him. He’s with me and he is well.” At that moment, I felt a calm like never before. I didn’t know at the time what a pivotal moment that would be in regaining my faith in God. As time passed, our faith was still very much in doubt. However, I leaned heavily into my encounter with God. My husband, Ray, and I decided to immerse ourselves with as much positivity and in His Word as possible. We found ourselves reading daily devotionals and the Bible, and watching and listening… Read More
Growing up in rural Indiana, I spent my childhood riding bikes and climbing trees. It’s not a surprise that I chose a career in corporate wellness. My job was to encourage employees to eat healthy and move more regularly. But after three decades and innumerable fitness campaigns, it became clear I’d been remiss in proffering the most important ingredient: surrender to the Spirit. After earnestly petitioning God about His plan for my life’s “third 1/3”, I felt Him calling me to bring the message of physical hope and healing to His Church. But how? I wanted to put my faith into action to serve through my corporate talents. Stirring Words was my first step, a podcast with a sister in Christ. Since the fall of 2019, we’ve recorded our weekly phone conversation discussing the Biblical call to physical self-care. By God’s grace, we regularly receive notes of thanks from women across the country who are breaking physical barriers by the power of the Holy Spirit. Next came Sprinkled Clean, a small group curriculum designed to move participants from frustration and defeat in their weight loss efforts to surrender and victory. I personally struggle with being judgmental, quick to anger, pounding my fist, demanding my way. My own willfulness gives me empathy for those who clamor for unhelpful foods. Sprinkled Clean reveals God’s gentle yet uncomfortable process of sanctification. I believe James’ challenge to be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves (James 1:22) is a clarion call to Christians, physically as well as spiritually. So in September of 2022, I launched a… Read More
I was born with no legs, no left arm and only a partial right arm. My whole life I've been told what I can't do, but I'm here to tell you what I can do. I’m a professional fisherman competing in the Bassmaster Open Series. And I’m a motivational speaker. When I’m fishing, I attach lures using his mouth. To cast my line, I wedge my fishing rod between my neck and shoulder. And once I cast the line, it's just fishing, like anyone else. As a kid, I always wanted to be a pro athlete. I wasn’t going to let my circumstances define my life and keep me from living. But it was obvious the NFL or Major League Baseball would not be drafting me. I wondered if there was a sport I could take to the top level, so I pursued fishing. I got into fishing when I was five years old because of my grandfather. He was an outdoors guy who loved hunting and fishing, and he showed me how to do both in spite of my challenges. He had a catfish pond in our small town of Hamilton, Alabama, and we’d fish together for hours. I never allowed my physical disabilities to be an obstacle. My family was incredibly supportive. Whatever special things I needed to succeed in fishing, they got for me. But more than anything, they were supreme encouragers. I began competing in fishing tournaments at age 15, and then at the state level in 1997. I was blessed with some fishing success, and qualified for some state championships… Read More
In light of recent Christian persecution in Pakistan, it is important to recognize and honor those doing the work of Jesus Christ in a mostly Muslim country. Only about 1% of the population openly identifies as Christians. On August 16, 2023, several hundred people were brutally attacked on a Christian settlement in Pakistan in the Punjab district, hitting too close to home for Rimsha Kamran, Sawera Shahbaz, and Faisal Masih. Together, these three believers in Jesus are running orphanages in Punjab, Pakistan, under the name of “Life Saving Ministries.” They have come together to serve children through Christ, and have combined their efforts to enhance their opportunities and power in the community. They form a trinity, three acting as one, to help needy children in the area with food, school supplies, clothing, and of course, Christian education and hope. With collectively over 150 children, they focus on Bible studies and teaching the basic principles of Jesus’s life. They emphasize how to live like Jesus Christ even through suffering. Unfortunately, this isn’t easy. Though Punjab has a generally low poverty rate, Christians are regularly targeted and persecuted due to their beliefs and due to strict “blasphemy” laws in the country. On top of that, there have been recent issues with clean water, which can lead to disease and sickness. Further, it is difficult for them to find much support for their orphanages, due to a general lack of Christian resources in the country, but their faith in God has proven that anything is possible with Him. When asked how they get through the tough… Read More