How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Loving Your Neighbor Mission Work Verbalizing the Gospel


    Vision Beyond Borders grew behind the desire to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to those who have no hope. We go into oppressed or impoverished areas all over the world and simply ask them what they need. We then try to help and serve them in any way we can which opens up the door for us to share the good news of the Gospel. Our ministry started 30 years ago by providing Bibles in native languages to people around the globe who were persecuted for their faith. I was in southeast Asia and met a pastor who had spent 22 years in a Chinese prison for his faith in Jesus Christ. I asked him how we could help the church in mainland China. He said to pray, but also to supply Bibles. So, we started raising money and smuggling hundreds of Bibles to them every time we visited. There is no greater joy than giving someone a Bible in their own language. What greater gift can we give someone than the Word of God that they can understand? It is truly life-changing. China is saying one thing to the outside world, but what we’re seeing on the ground is that persecution is increasing. It is dangerous for both us and those receiving the Bibles. But we continue to spread God’s word. During the last three decades, we have brought over two million Bibles and 15,000 hand-wind tape players containing the Gospel into closed countries. When I was in these countries, I felt a great urge and then… Read More

  • Labor Overcoming Obstacles Special Needs


    We started teaching fitness classes designed for individuals with developmental disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy or Down syndrome. Our goal is to help them increase strength, motor coordination, social skills and overall wellness. And we can surely see God’s hand in all this, especially how He brought us together and made this happen so seamlessly. We worked in the same school district as contract speech-language pathologists. We were frequently moved from school to school and didn’t really come in contact with one another, but in August of 2020, we ended up assigned to the same school. We found ourselves bonding over our shared passion for fitness. We also both noticed a lack of services and opportunities available to students and young adults with disabilities. Our dream of a “perfect world” suddenly sparked an idea: to offer fitness classes to individuals with disabilities. It was also quite a “coincidence” that we both had certifications for personal and group training. It was almost as if God orchestrated our meeting and these conversations with one another. Our sudden idea blossomed within days into a mission and a purpose that all bodies are able and deserving of access to a workout program that meets each person at an individualized level, and in a social community of peers. We wanted to bring weightlifting to the differently-abled community and inspire them to become the best versions of themselves—physically, mentally and socially.

    Exercise improves so much more than our physical body. Individuals with developmental disabilities, like autism, cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, often present with differences in muscle… Read More

  • Children Loving Your Neighbor Overcoming Obstacles


    On December 30, 2021, the Marshall Fire ripped through my neighborhood in Boulder County, Colorado, with winds recorded at 115 miles per hour. The devastation was catastrophic, with over 1,000 of my community’s homes completely destroyed. My husband and I were watching the news, and it grieved me to see what had happened to our neighbors. We had previously lived in an area where friends had lost their homes, so we knew how devastating this was for a family. I prayed right then, asking God how I could help, how to make a real impact in this disaster. And I got a clear message from the Lord almost immediately. I was instructed to help kids affected by this tragedy by refurbishing their bedrooms at no cost to the family; to give them their dream space to feel comfortable and safe, to give them hope and some degree of happiness. When I shared this with my husband, he was stunned at the magnitude of this message. He asked how we would ever be able to undertake such a monumental task for even one child, much less so many kids that had been affected. I said I’d keep praying about it. After a couple days, I felt a huge nudge from God to move ahead and that He'd somehow provide the funds and support for such a project. So I put my faith in the Lord and pressed on. It started with one family that I'd met through the Marshall Fire Community Facebook Group. I posted their needs to my personal Facebook page and almost immediately had… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children


    I got pregnant when I was 19 years old and single. When I first found out, I was in shock and wondered what I would do. My family was very supportive of me raising my daughter or placing her for adoption, whatever I desired. I prayed constantly for a sign. And I got it a few weeks into the pregnancy. My boyfriend broke up with me but he still wanted to be in our daughter's life. I was not comfortable with him and his tumultuous family situation being part of our child's world. So I took this break-up as a clear sign from the Lord. I truly feel the Lord needed that relationship to end and when it did, my decision was clear. I decided that placing my daughter for adoption into a loving Christian home would be what's best for her. In Mississippi, a woman cannot place her child for adoption without the consent of the birth father. So I was advised to move to Alabama, so he would have to jump through some hoops to receive visitation rights. I figured if this was really important to him, he would make that effort. But he didn't, and I was cleared to place my daughter for adoption. I moved into a Lifeline home for unwed mothers. In many ways, this was difficult since I was away from the comfort of my family, and surrounded by a number of other hormonal teenage girls. But in looking back, I can see the Lord stripped away my worldly support and He made me rely on Him. I… Read More

  • Children Financial Help Unique Ministries


    I lost my son when he was just six weeks old. Liam was born prematurely at 29 weeks due to a placental abruption. His lungs were never fully developed and he battled RSV and bacterial pneumonia in the NICU for nearly five weeks. We were thrilled when he was finally released. But three nights later, he stopped breathing while he was in my arms. I cannot describe the depths of my hurt and despair. I have to admit, I got mad and blamed God when Liam died. I’d been a good Christian all my life, and couldn’t understand how this was happening. How could God have allowed this? Two weeks after Liam’s passing, I got very sick. I contracted meningitis and my kidneys started to shut down. I found myself in the hospital fighting for my own life. And ironically, that is where my life totally changed. While sedated, I had an incredibly vivid dream where I was holding Liam in my arms and we were in the most beautiful place I’d ever seen, where there was a stream of water that glistened like a collection of diamonds. We sat down on a log under a magnificent tree, and a man walked up, sat down, and told me that Liam had a bigger purpose; that he was put on earth to help other kids. This man told me that I needed to trust him, and that I was to immediately start a nonprofit organization to help children battling major illness. He told me all of the needs to do this would be met. When I… Read More

  • Loving Your Neighbor Recovery Unique Ministries


    Who knew pulling nails, serving food, or doing numerous loads of laundry could bring so much joy? But my “second career” has brought incredible satisfaction to my soul! In the past, I was involved in prison ministry and a regular homeless outreach. But a 2016 radio announcement changed my life and opened the door to full-time service. Flooding had affected 40,000 Louisiana homes and Eight Days of Hope, a disaster relief non-profit, was inviting volunteers to serve. I went over a long weekend and was among nearly 700 people to respond. For the next three years, I continued with the same organization, going to other disaster-affected areas. As much as possible, I volunteered around my work schedule. Yet, I wanted more time and ability to serve. In mid-2019, I took a financial leap of faith and stepped away from 30 years in pathology. I downsized my home and as a single woman, yielded my desire for a ministry partner. But God knew my heart and within a short time, I met my husband, a fellow volunteer, and we were married within a year. We find such joy in going where needed and in doing whatever we’re asked. We’ve logged hundreds of days and thousands of miles. Serving can look like organizing the many volunteers, coordinating with churches to reach their communities, organizing building supplies, hauling debris and tree limbs, hanging sheetrock, operating a laundry trailer, or serving food to volunteers and residents. We’ve also been involved in setting up safe houses for human trafficking survivors. Even amidst terrible disaster, we’ve often witnessed God’s mercy. Recently… Read More