God has blessed me with a burning desire to help people, especially the bruised and broken-hearted who feel unworthy and unlovable. Maybe it’s because I used to be standing in their shoes. Although I was saved when I was young and grew up in a Christian home, college happened. In an attempt to study longer hours and drop a few pounds, I tried meth. Over the course of eight years, I found myself not only addicted, but pregnant too. Desperate, I tried to contact an abortion clinic but got no answer so I went to a counseling center that turned out to be a prolife organization. I knew it was God. As I went to crawl back to Him, I realized He had never left. Today, I serve the Lord with all my heart, not because I have to but because I want to. I know what it’s like to be on the edge of despair. I know the joy of being pulled out of the mirk and mire and want the same for others. My daughter is now 12 and next to God, she is the most important and precious thing in my life. A few years ago, we moved from Texas to Tennessee so I could take a job in the ministry working with young ladies with issues like unplanned pregnancies and addictions. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the job abruptly ended which was scary, being a single mom. But, God told me, “I’ve got this.” Looking back, I can see how He turned the curse into a blessing.… Read More
How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith
Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
A twin sister’s love is like no other. There may be no greater example than the bond between twins Sarah Sharp and Cathey Stoner. After all, how many ladies would offer to carry a baby for their sister who is unable to have more children due to a brutal battle with cancer and a hysterectomy? Sarah and her husband had a baby girl in 2018, but a few months later, she experienced something unusual: a prolonged period lasting over 30 days. Doctors were concerned and performed a D&C on Sarah, sending her tissue to be tested. The results showed she had choriocarcinoma, a rare and rapidly-growing form of cancer which develops in the uterus after a pregnancy or miscarriage from leftover placental cells. Doctors sprung into immediate action. Sarah began treatments consisting of five chemotherapy drugs that were so rough, she had to be hospitalized overnight. This continued for six months. “My Christian faith got me through those very dark times,” Sarah recalls. Cathey was right by her sister's side for most of that time. After a difficult battle, Sarah was pronounced cancer-free. But a year later, the cancer returned and doctors determined she needed a hysterectomy. The dream Sarah and her husband had of additional children had ended. Or so it seemed. After a lot of prayer with her husband, Cathey mentioned that she’d be willing to be a gestational surrogate for her twin sister. “If you want another baby, I will carry the baby for you.” Cathey felt called to do this. “God tells us to love people in any way we can. Here’s… Read More
Morgan Cheek is a mother that has experienced the grief of losing her twin girls at ages 6 and 7 to a very rare neurological disease. The pain has been excruciating but through it all, she felt God’s amazing love and grace. Morgan and her husband, Hugh, found out she was pregnant with twins a little over a year into their marriage. Hugh had just started medical school so they were a little overwhelmed and wondered how they’d juggle his school with the demands of having two babies. So Hugh started memorizing Psalm 139 which underscores how God knows our future and is intimately concerned with every detail of our lives. Little did they know that He was about to take them out of their comfort zone into His pruning zone. When Bailey Grace and Ally Ruth were born, everything appeared normal for the first three or four months. But then, they started to notice some developmental delays. Doctors ran some tests and determined the girls may have an unknown genetic disorder. But subsequent tests during the next two years showed they had HECW2, a rare and often fatal disease that impacts only 50 people in the world. And Morgan and Hugh were the parents of two of them. Seizures were common, and the girls were never able to talk or walk, but they could sure communicate with their eyes and light up a room with their smiles. Morgan and Hugh knew they were in for a very difficult road but they wanted to be used by God in the midst of this… Read More
In 2011, I desperately needed a word from God. You see, I was dying---at least that's what I thought. My wife and I had been in our new apartment for about a year. I had recently started a new job, and as a young married couple, we were happy. Yet, suddenly things took a turn for the worse; my stomach began to feel bloated and tight every time I ate. I developed anxiety, fear, and unbearable weakness. I lost 20 pounds and became skin and bones. I was virtually bedridden for three months. I sought help from both traditional and holistic specialists, underwent several tests and procedures, changed my diet, and experimented with over 20 different supplements. My sickness went undiagnosed and my condition kept deteriorating. I prayed and fasted, waiting for a word from God. I received nothing. I felt alone and forgotten. I became desperate, and I reached outside my immediate family for more prayer. They all prayed incessantly for me. It wasn't long until I received a call from my uncle, telling me that God gave him one word: "mold." He then urged me to check my entire apartment for contamination. With what little strength I had, I got up and began to look. Sure enough, I found mold. Immediately, we moved. Everything changed for me! I ate without pain, gained my weight back, and returned to work full time. I got my life back. The Bible says, after you've done all you can, just pray. I felt alone and forgotten but He never leaves nor forsakes. He was… Read More
The Christian Heart takes a break from our usual stories to tell you about one of our own who went to be with The Lord on June 23, 2021. Lenora Pate served on the Board of Directors of The Christian Heart and AllWorship ministries for 23 years. She truly exemplified what The Christian Heart is all about. Our ministry tells what everyday people do to show their love for Jesus. Lenora displayed her love for Him in every aspect of her life, but she was far from “everyday.” Professionally, she was one of the top lawyers in the state of Alabama, ranking as a “Best Lawyer in America” for healthcare law for 14 straight years. She was the first woman Director of the Department of Industrial Relations in our state's history, served as Chair of the Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform from 2003-2020, and even ran for Governor of Alabama with a “Pate in ’98” campaign. But it’s how she gave of herself and loved The Lord that made Lenora so special. To be around her was to see a heart on fire for God and her fellow man. She was a devoted and loving wife, mother of two boys and "Mimi" to five grandchildren. She took time to mentor countless young ladies, both personally and professionally. She taught an adult Sunday School class at her church for two decades. She was one of the most charitable people we’ve ever known, always looking for ways to enrich the lives of as many people as she could. She served on the Board of Directors… Read More
It hurts my heart to see needs unmet and people in pain. And I see a lot of hurting people. As the Executive Director of Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, I come in contact with so many people in our community that don’t know when their next meal is coming. Food insecurity is real. There are countless families that encounter this each day. To be able to fill such a vital need brings joy to my heart. I’ve also learned that many of these people often need a listening ear, an encouraging word and sometimes just a hug. Growing up in a large family, I know what it’s like to always have a sibling, parent aunt or uncle to talk to---but for many, they do not have family. Others may have family, but they live far away, so Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen isn’t just a place to feed your body. Rather, it has become a place to come and feel the love of others. Everything we do at Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen is about showing the love of Jesus. Everyone who works and volunteers at our Soup Kitchen shows love to each child and adult who walks through the door. It may be a smile, receiving a coat, or having someone ask, “how are you doing?” In addition to the Soup Kitchen, I’m also the co-founder of the Village of Barnabas, a mentoring program for troubled youth. Our goal is to save the lives of children. We mentor them, guide them, and expose them to things they might… Read More