I was a shell of a human being. By the time I was 20 years old, my drinking progressed to the point where I was emotionally and spiritually isolated from everyone around me. I abandoned my childhood faith and thought if God was real, He wouldn't want anything to do with a person like me. But I was given a beautiful solution to my addiction when I joined a 12-step fellowship and was able to reconnect with God. Recovery has allowed me to regain my family's trust, maintain genuine friendships, graduate from college, have a healthy relationship with my boyfriend, keep a job, and feel a sense of purpose through helping sick and suffering alcoholics and addicts. Recovery has transformed my idea of God and the personal relationship I have with him today. The most transformative, faith-renewing part of this journey has been talking about God with other alcoholics and addicts. No matter what kind of struggles you have overcome, your story can help others. I used to feel so much shame over the things I did, but I know God is using my past to help others in the same situation. The only reason why I'm able to do this is because someone else showed me the way by sharing their experience. I'm so thankful to now be that person for others. My walk with God hasn't been perfect. There have been times where I questioned him, even in sobriety, but I find He always brings me back to the truth. God never turned His back on me when I was stuck… Read More
How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith
Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
For years, my ministry revolved around music. I joyfully played the piano every week for worship. And during the week, I taught piano lessons to children in the church with the hope that they, too, would embrace a love of worship of God through music. Most of my time, though, was invested in my family. My three girls became the main focus of my life. I was very content with my music and my little family. But one day, I saw a booth at our local festival for fostering children. As I looked at the pictures of the faces of little children on the brochure, my heart broke. Then, as I looked at the faces of my three not-so-little girls, I realized I had to talk with my husband and daughters about fostering children. Within a few short months, we became licensed foster parents. We prayed each night as a family for the children who would join our family. And one beautiful, scary day, our social worker brought two little children into our home. These little ones became a part of our family. My girls embraced their role as older sisters and took care of them, reading to them, helping me make their food, and playing with them. My husband and I prayed with our new little charges multiple times each day as we worked to bring stability and trust into their young lives. Although I still play each week for worship and teach piano lessons, my true calling, my true ministry, are the little children that social workers bring… Read More
I am a foreman of a construction crew. I really enjoy what I do for a living. I get to work with my hands, and with the help of my crew, create something that is needed. It's a lot of fun to see a bridge be built, a building rise out of nothing, or a road be fixed. At church, I do similar work for God. There always seems to be a need for something to be built. Whether it's a half pipe for the teenagers to skate on, the set of a musical for the children, more risers for the choir, or a large stand for a giant Christmas tree, I find myself very busy with work at the church. I may not be preaching or even participating in the musical itself, but I know my skills are needed in each area of ministry. I am helping teenagers come to Christ. I am helping children be discipled. And all that is just through my natural abilities of building. Some people might think I'm a little rough around the edges, and maybe I am. But working with my hands at church brings me a lot of joy. I am so glad that I am able to use my skills for God's glory.
I am from India, and came to America three years ago to work on my doctorate. When my wife and I arrived, we knew we needed to find a church, but we quickly realized that most churches in our town are not diverse at all. Once we settled on what has now become our church here, we spoke to our pastor about this. We know there are communities in our town of various ethnicities, where many of the people just recently came to America. Our pastor looked at us, and asked what we would like to do about it. This began our ministry to internationals in our community. Each week, we have local teachers come to our church to tutor new internationals in English. Every month, we host a dinner and invite all the internationals we know in the community. Then, we get contact information from them and visit them. Many have now decided to attend our church because of those dinners and visits. These internationals feel like our church is a part of their community. Since we have more internationals at our church, we host prayer events for the countries represented within our congregation. I didn't intend on starting a new ministry. I'm a father or two little boys, a husband, a full-time doctoral student, and I have a job, so my time is very limited. However, I am so thankful for this ministry. We have found the community we were longing for, and we have seen many come to the Lord as a result. There are countless international… Read More
Gowns for His Glory started with a dream seven years ago to provide prom dresses and accessories to area high school girls free of charge. Prom is one of the most expensive nights in high school and no matter what their financial situation, every girl should be able to attend her prom. I understand how important it is to these girls. But sometimes financial difficulties can make finding the perfect dress or shoes impossible because their families simply can’t afford it. So, this became a unique way for me to serve and minister to the community. Now in its seventh year, Gowns for His Glory has provided over 3,000 dresses to high school teens in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. There’s no limitation on who we’ll serve. Our motto really is, ‘first come, all served.' Gowns for His Glory is not affiliated with any other organization in the community, and we started this out of our own pockets. I’ve really just relied on the Lord and His direction. And our amazing community members. I really wouldn’t have been able to make it happen if it wasn’t for them. Each year, I get a front row seat to see the looks on their faces as the girls “shop” for dresses and accessories. They may not verbalize their feelings, but I know their hearts are touched deeply. It is God’s plan for me to help these girls. And that’s exactly what I plan on continuing to do.
As a children's pastor, I've been blessed to have seen so many children come to Christ. There are few things more beautiful than seeing Jesus in a child's eyes. But the bulk of my ministry happens outside the church building. Several times a week, I find myself eating at a restaurant for one reason or another. As a Christian, I offer a prayer of thanksgiving over each meal. A number of years ago, I asked the Lord for more opportunities to share the gospel with people in my immediate area, particularly people who wouldn't normally be in church. The Lord challenged me to start praying for those I come in contact with during my day. I wasn't sure what that meant until I was out to lunch with a colleague. We ordered and then received our food, praying together before we started eating. Just as we said "Amen," I looked up and saw our waitress watching us. The Lord spoke to me, telling me to ask her how I could pray for her. That started a habit. Every time I am at a restaurant, I tell the server I will be thanking God for my food. Then I ask if there is anything I can pray for him during my prayer. Sometimes I get a strange look and a negative response. But other times, tears well up in the person's eyes, and it opens the door to sharing the truth of God's love. No matter what, though, I pray for that person before I eat my meal, knowing that God will be there for him or her.… Read More