For a long time, I just went to church. I didn't want to be too involved because being out front is pretty scary. I don't know a lot of scripture or a lot about theology, so I felt I was pretty limited on what I could do. Then a friend asked me what area I serve in at church. I sheepishly told him nowhere. He was astonished. We talked a bit about me, my personality, and what sorts of things I like to do. He said the sound team was looking for more help. He said they'd train me and I would get all the help I needed. It sounded pretty interesting, so I talked with the team leader. I absolutely love helping with sound. I love that I'm in the background, making sure the worship team sounds great and the pastor can be heard well. I love that I'm able to do this without anyone knowing I'm even there. That is, unless something happens like a mic cuts out or there's some feedback. For me, serving as a sound guy is like what Jesus said in Matthew 6:1-4: "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the… Read More
How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith
Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
My love for the Lord led me to be a youth pastor. Last year, I left my doctor's office with the news that I had cancer. During treatment, I woke up each morning and wondered if the hours of chemo at the hospital and sickness would actually result in shrinking tumors. I remember feeling so tired and having no ambition or desire to do anything, just waiting for the day to pass. Thankfully, I have now beat cancer twice. My cancer diagnosis and treatment has reminded me that I am not in control. It was God's way to shake me a little and tell me that He holds my life in His hands. While this sounds scary, it's really a beautiful thing to remind myself of daily. The Bible talks about peace that surpasses understanding. I like to call it "the peace that doesn't make sense" since I don't understand how I can have peace during these trying times, yet God grants it. When I needed encouragement, I looked to the Bible and reminded myself of truths like, "God is my strength." I asked God to help me remember this truth and make it be bigger than my negative feelings and circumstances. This perspective was huge in getting me through the rough days. God has also used my cancer to better love and lead my students I oversee and teach at church. One of the greatest ways to lead is by example, and my kids were my constant reminder and encouragement to live for the Lord through hard times. I reminded them (and their… Read More
I am a dentist. It's a small thing, really, but helping people with their dental hygiene is a passion of mine. I know that my patients' dental health reflects their overall health. It's why I check for types of cancer and other diseases with every visit. When I decided to open my own practice, I wanted every part of the building to reflect my love for Christ. The light fixtures have vines on them representing abiding in the vine, the art represents various parts of the fruits of the Spirit, and the music played is instrumental hymns. Every morning, the staff and I get together to pray for the day and dedicate our work to God. The Lord has been so gracious to us. Not only are we booked solid with patients, we have opportunities every day to pray with them. We've even had Muslims come in for dental work and remark on how our facility has a peaceful feeling. We simply tell them that it's Jesus working through us. Since the Lord has given so much to me and the staff, we want to give back. So every missionary who comes through our doors does not pay a penny for dental work. We even gift them with free teeth whitening and other things their insurance would not cover. Since missionaries are usually only in town for a short amount of time, we move heaven and earth so they can get their teeth checked while they're in town. My goal is to bless those who serve so sacrificially around the world. They are on… Read More
Academia is not an easy setting to proclaim Christ, but Jesus didn't call us to do what is easy. As a chemistry professor at our local community college, my faith is not checked at the door. In my discussions with my colleagues, I stand for Christ and the glory of His creation. I don't have as much freedom in the classroom, but God is not banned. As soon as I get my schedule, I begin praying over my students, asking God to give me a chance to share His grace with them. I make my classroom a safe place to explore and learn. As an example, I expect my students to take responsibility for their learning. I don't constantly remind them of upcoming due dates for assignments. Several students missed one particular assignment. Per my policy, there would be no make-up, but I felt in this instance, grace was needed. I acknowledged the students who completed their homework on time and asked them to not be angry, but join me in extending grace to those who needed it. Several of the students who had finished the assignment on time later approached me and thanked me for explaining my choice. None of them complained. Conversations like these build a trust with my students, so when they need advice and prayer, they know I am available. During office hours, I have had multiple opportunities to share the love of Jesus and pray with my students. Jesus is not banned from my classroom nor office.
I started working in the GE factory when I graduated from high school. I worked there until the day they shut it down, 20 years later. For months, I had been trying to find a job knowing that mine was soon coming to an end. But nothing. On that last day of work, I went home and wondered how I would provide for my wife and children. Our pastor had been speaking on relying on God for our needs, so I did what he said: I prayed a very simple prayer and asked God to provide a job for me. The next morning my phone rang. My pastor had called because the janitor at the church was retiring, and they were looking for someone to replace him. They wanted to update some things, which meant more work and a different title: facilities manager, which included helping them work on the janitorial needs for the new building being built. The pay was more than what I was making at the factory. Now that was an answer to prayer! I've been the facilities manager at my church for almost 20 years now. I love that this job is not only an answer to prayer, but I get to serve God and His people. I know my job may not seem like much, but if the bathrooms aren't clean and things are in disarray, new people won't want to come back. My job is simple: make the facilities as welcoming as possible so that everyone who enters feels the presence of God. It's my life mission. I… Read More
It's amazing who the Lord chooses to use in ministry. I grew up in a family of non-believers that rarely went to church. But I found the Lord through reading the Bible. I knew I was being called into the ministry early on, but I could not imagine the Lord using someone like me. Despite the doubt, I surrendered to the call of ministry and began attending seminary. I was not sure what the Lord wanted to do with my life, but I desired to work with an inner city ministry where I could preach the gospel to lost people. In December of 1995, two weeks before graduation, I learned of the Calvary Rescue Mission, a non-profit Christian ministry that ministered to homeless men. I felt immediately drawn to this ministry. Not only did it provide meals and clothing to men in need, but it offered nightly chapel services, discipleship training, counseling, and lodging to homeless men in and around Memphis. It just so happened the Executive Director position became open right around the time of my graduation from seminary. Although I was the third choice for the Executive Director position, the Lord saw fit that I would become its new Executive Director. His timing truly was perfect. Now some 22 years later, I still am serving at this tremendous ministry. This spring, we will open a new facility that will allow us to house 108 men instead of the 46 we currently can serve. In 2017, our neighborhood was ranked the most dangerous in the United States, but despite the danger, the Lord has helped put a… Read More