How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Children Labor Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


    I've always been drawn to kids who were hurting. Maybe it's because I didn't have anyone to talk to when I was struggling at 12 years old. And, back when I was growing up, you did not go to counselors for help. Instead, I talked to my horse, Princess. One summer day, God spoke to me and put it in my heart that I would eventually start a ranch for hurting children. Many things have happened between that time long ago and today. I worked in business, with at-risk youth and as a special education teacher. But I didn't forget what the Lord told me as a young girl. One day when I was teaching, I felt the Lord speak to me again and say it was time to start the ranch. I listened. After several years of prayer and generating support, I opened Hope Remains Ranch and served our very first child. I realized the Lord had been teaching and preparing me all these years for this work. Today, we provide Christian equine therapy for 3,000 kids and adults year-round. The focus of the ranch is Jesus. Everyone who works or volunteers on the ranch is a believer, so we try to be Jesus to everyone who visits. We want to show those who enter our gates after a crisis or tragedy that hope remains through Jesus Christ---you won't find hope in the bottle or drugs. So, we offer therapy and Jesus. Whenever anyone asks Jesus into his heart while on the ranch, we ring a large bell, and everyone gathers… Read More

  • Children Special Needs Unique Ministries


    When something you are passionate about comes to you naturally, that's how you know God's hand is in it. I have been involved in scouting in some way my entire life. My mom was a troop leader and I was a girl scout, so getting my children involved was a natural decision. I wanted Christian mentoring for my son outside of our regular church activities, and scouting provided it. As a parent, the first years of scouting were spent at my son's troop meetings. Then, as he moved up, I began serving as my daughter's troop leader. But, I also served in different areas, such as taking over the popcorn fundraising for my son's troop. Since I have a sales background, this volunteer time allowed me to use my gifts. And, as a Christian, I understand the importance of having a servant's heart. However, my educational background is in speech pathology where I also learned sign language for pursuing a career in interpreting one day. One thing led to another, and I ended up being asked to lead a troop separately from my own children. I am now the troop leader and interpreter for the South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind. My troop has 22 boys, ranging from 6-15 years of age, all with visual impairments, hearing loss, or both. When I was given this opportunity, I knew it was a chance to use my God-given gifts to serve. In this role, I can speak openly about my faith in a way that is not generally accepted in the public school setting, and I… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    Several years ago, an opportunity landed in our laps to start our own business. The steps leading to this seemed like it was divine intervention. But I was still full of anxiety because I had never run my own company. I called various banks to discuss a small business loan to get things rolling, and after meeting with several that didn’t seem quite right, I met with the guy who would become our banker. We talked at length about the business and life in general. Then he walked me to my car and asked, “Greg, I’m really not supposed to ask this, but do you believe in God?” When I answered yes, he was visibly relieved and asked if he could pray with me. In the middle of the bank parking lot, he laid his hands on me, and prayed. When he had finished, he looked up and said the Lord had some very special plans for me and this business. In the years since, the Lord has been very faithful in making our business grow in ways we never imagined. Even more importantly, every day I am meeting with potential clients and employees who recognize my relationship with God. They ask me to pray with and for them, and I am happy to oblige. I can’t recall the number of times I have had opportunities to share about the love of Jesus with people through my work. And I’m in the compost business! Recently, our largest client decided not to renew our contract because of a change in their business philosophy. This was… Read More

  • Mentoring Unique Ministries


    I am in full-time ministry and married to the love of my life. We have four young children under the age of five. Oh, and I happen to enjoy breakdancing. My ministry is not what you would normally expect. From the outside, you will see a group of young guys from all different backgrounds breakdancing and having a blast. What is actually happening is discipleship. Years ago, I picked up breakdancing as a hobby and then God started using it as a tool to deeply engage the hip-hop culture. The goal is to reach the breaking community and see the Spirit transform it. Ministry in Break Free is for the engagement in the lives of other breakdancers. Breakdancing is a great tool for this community because it is in every major city center around the world. It is mainly comprised of men, ages 18-35, which has been a hard group for the church to reach. We get to engage at the deepest levels of life with these men. We are often the only voices they hear that are sharing the gospel. Many of these men have never seen healthy marriages, faithful fathers, or have had deep friendships of any kind. We pray that we can share our lives, model healthy patterns, and show the transforming work of the gospel.  When I lived in Dallas, I poured my life into three men who have now become passionate disciple-makers in their communities. My prayer is that all the young men involved in Break Free become passionate disciple-makers and also, leaders and influencers in their communities. We want… Read More

  • Church Activities Food Unique Ministries


    I was looking for a way to help our local community. I absolutely love helping people because that's how I came to know the love of Christ. I was at a low point in life and some Christians reached out with kindness. Their generosity was so surprising that it led me to give my heart to Jesus. I'm so thankful for them and that's why I am always looking for ways to help others. Since I work, I couldn't be at our church's food bank distribution time. That is my absolute favorite ministry, but the time just doesn't work with my schedule. I sat down with my pastor and complained about having to work and not being able to help others as much as I'd like. He told me the food bank was running out of food and there wasn't a lot of money to buy more. After brainstorming a bit, we came up with an idea: use part of our empty field to grow fresh food. I've never been a farmer, but I knew I could learn. I asked some folks I knew had good-producing gardens, and we came up with a plan for this empty field. It took a bit, but now we have about a half-acre of land we use to grow corn, potatoes, cabbage, and a host of other fresh ingredients. I come by the church before and after work to check on our crops. It has been surprisingly easy and has proven to be a great way to help those in need. What's even better is we now… Read More

  • Children Labor Unique Ministries


    "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This verse in Proverbs made more sense after I had my second child. I used to bring neighborhood children to my house every Saturday afternoon to share stories from the Bible. Most of them usually came because we always had candy and other treats. After a few weeks, I noticed there was a lack of Christ-centered children's learning materials in Ghana. Even our TV channels do not have many Christ-centered children's videos and songs. If children are not exposed to Christ-centered content from a very young age, they will likely not watch or read Christian content when they grow up. When they are young, it's their blossoming stage. That's why I started an organization called Blossom in January. I produce books, puzzles, board games and building blocks with scriptures and stories from the Bible. I want to merge the Montessori teaching style with the Gospel. So children who use our learning materials will learn to love Jesus. We are looking to expand as the Holy Spirit leads into the production of videos, songs and a 24-hour TV station with exclusive and entertaining Christ-centered content for children and teenagers. My husband and I currently fund this but I know this idea is from God, and I believe He will help us expand this to reach many more children in other African countries.