
  • Labor Recovery Unique Ministries


    There are an overwhelming number of women who have had their children, lives, and freedom taken from them due to drug addictions. Many have professed a Christian faith but still face suicidal thoughts and a deficit of hope. After facing my own addiction with alcoholism and restoring my life in Christ, I knew He was prompting me to help these women reach a place of stability. I began my response to His call by sponsoring young women through AA, and then went on to receive training for Christian counseling. In 2018, I began volunteering to counsel young women regularly at… Read More

  • Labor Loving Your Neighbor


    I served in the disaster relief ministry, one of the most intense and demanding times of my life, both spiritually and physically. This helped stretch me in ways I didn't even realize. But now, I am focusing my efforts to help those around me. I want to use the gifts that God has given me in compassion, wisdom, and discernment. After a lot of prayer, I feel God is directing me to pursue a formal bible college education, particularly in the area of biblical counseling, so I can grow more and use my gifts to more effectively serve the body of Christ. My prayer… Read More

  • Food Hospital Labor Unique Ministries


    I have worked in the cancer field my whole career. I've seen the struggles patients go through and how it permeates every facet of their lives. I know how difficult it is to get the right nutrition during different phases of cancer treatment. So the idea of delivering nutritious meals to cancer patients started swimming in my brain years ago. But I kept it bottled up. How could I possibly pull off something like this? Whenever I let my mind wander on to this dream, I saw obstacles pop up. A year ago, I had three close friends in their forties diagnosed… Read More

  • Children Homeless Labor


    I was 46 years old and with my only child entering high school, I was praying about what I should do with the second half of my life. As a teacher and educator, I volunteered at my daughter's school, and one day I picked up a magazine to read while I was waiting for my next student. I was looking for a pumpkin cheesecake recipe in a magazine when an article called 'Lessons in Love' caught my attention. There was an older lady standing there with a child, both holding school supplies and backpacks in their hands. It was Agnes Stevens and… Read More

  • Financial Help Labor


    As a chiropractor, I take my patients' health very seriously. I work hard to look at the entire person and his or her health, not just a few symptoms. I am very passionate about this and I believe that passion comes from the Lord. Every time a patient leaves my office able to move a bit better than when he arrived, I give God thanks for His help and pray that it is for His glory. Just as I believe in treating the whole person, I believe it is my responsibility as a follower of Christ to live out my… Read More

  • Labor Special Needs Unique Ministries


    When you spend a few hours helping build a wheelchair ramp for someone who is homebound, you play a part in changing someone's life. That's what struck me when I was part of a Kiwanis club that built a ramp about 30 years ago. It was amazing to see the new-found freedom the person in the wheelchair enjoyed. In the following months, I felt the Lord leading me to get more involved. I discovered many people who need a ramp don't have the money or the knowledge of what it takes to make it happen. So they are stuck in their… Read More

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