Overcoming Obstacles

  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery Unique Ministries


    It’s important for us as Christians to follow God’s whispers and to put our faith in Him no matter what obstacles we encounter. While attending my first Passion Conference in Atlanta as a high school senior, I learned about the End It Movement, which focuses on human trafficking. It was at this conference that God gave me a passion for educating others about the issue of modern day slavery. So, when I was a freshman in college, God laid it on my heart to lead a human trafficking awareness event at my school. Believing God wouldn't put something on my heart if He… Read More

  • Hospital Overcoming Obstacles Prayer Special Needs


    Mothers remember anniversaries of the important events in our children’s lives. While I have experienced many good and bad moments with my sons, Matthew and Jacob, two days will forever be etched in my memory. On August 10, 2014, I received that call that mothers dread. I was at home working when my husband, Barry, called to tell me Jacob was in an ATV wreck two hours away from our home in Cartersville, Georgia. I remember rushing out of work, telling my co-workers he had been hurt. Once we drove there, we found Jacob talking and yelling. But 15 minutes after… Read More

  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery Unique Ministries


    It is devastating to find out your husband is addicted to pornography, especially when he's in the ministry and you think you have a good marriage. We had been married 17 years, had three children and he was the worship pastor of our church when I found out that he had been secretly viewing pornography our entire marriage. And that sexual addiction had led to a string of sexual encounters. In the devastation of his exposure, I wondered what I should do. So much of my identity was in trying to be the perfect Christian, the good example, and working… Read More

  • Hospital Overcoming Obstacles Prayer


    When I found out I had ovarian cancer, I had been a believer for 10 years and was the leader of our Sunday school for children. My doctors told me I would need to have surgery followed by chemotherapy. I learned what it meant to struggle with weakness, pain and worry on a daily basis. Our other Sunday school teachers created a schedule for visiting me and taking care of me. Our Sunday school kids drew pictures of me being healthy again and sent them to me. I finished the chemotherapy treatment but half a year later,… Read More

  • Hospital Mentoring Overcoming Obstacles Special Needs


    When I was 25 years old, I took a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico where my life was altered forever.  I went pier diving and broke my neck when hitting the bottom of the ocean head first. At that moment, I became completely paralyzed from the neck down. By God's grace, I remained conscious and floated up to the surface face down, completely unable to move. Just when I couldn’t hold my breath another second, my friends pulled me out of the water. Soon after, my parents got the phone call back in New York City. They were completely devastated, but cried out to God, even though… Read More

  • Loss Of Loved One Other Overcoming Obstacles


    I hate drugs and the horrible toll they take on people. They are truly a demonic force and cause nothing but heartache. We lost our 20-year-old daughter, Ashlynn, when she was given a lethal dose of fentanyl. She was a beautiful girl who loved the Lord. She was a great student and a high school cheerleader, but then she started experimenting with drugs. She began hanging around a different group of friends, her grades plummeted and she would show some concerning mood swings. It was a nightmare for everyone. We got her into a rehab program and after some time, we thought… Read More

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