Looking back, God had prepared us for the accident that day. Close to the end of a leisurely bike ride, a fluke accident happened and we both went tumbling to the pavement. My husband suffered a horrific concussion. He was immediately life flighted to Grady Hospital in Atlanta. I immediately knew we were in the place we needed to be: one of the best level 1 trauma centers in the country. Tim would soon be rushed into ICU for a needle drain on the top of his skull. He had severe bleeding on his brain. I immediately knew that God would take care of Tim. Whether that meant he would not survive, or that he would stay here with us, I knew He was in control. God gave us doctors who not only encouraged us to pray, but prayed with us. After a few days, the doctors told me there was only so much they could do medically. They said, “what is left to do now is to pray.” At the smallest sign of progress, the doctors would say “let’s close the door and praise God”. A favorite (Nurse Katie) wrote “you are loved” on the tape holding Tim’s breathing tubes in. The waiting room was a prayer circle of everyone whose loved one was suffering. I was present when a previous coma patient came walking through the ICU to thank the medical staff. Dr. Danner said, “look, he made it and Tim can too.” He also told me this “coincidence” was God’s way of staying anonymous. The Caring Bridge website was therapy for me since writing to update everyone helped me focus on the good things that happened, even when that simply meant nothing bad had happened that day. It was in those quiet moments that I felt God’s presence the most. When Tim opened his eyes and kept them open for good, we still had a long way to go. One of the many things I have learned is not to think that if we love God enough we won’t suffer, but that God will bring us through the suffering, and be with us always.

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1 Comment
October 10, 2019 at 12:32 amWow, this is such an inspiring story. Made me realize how easily one forget how BIG God really is. Thankyou