How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Children Food Labor


    I never would have thought our family would start a Shaved Ice business out of a food truck, especially when it was our six-year-old daughter’s idea. But it shows what we all can do if we just follow God’s prompting. When our daughter, Della, was 6, we found ourselves doing virtual school due to the pandemic. One day, I looked at her daily journal they had to compose for school, and it said, "I'm going to have a shaved ice business one day and my family is going to help me run it." I was more than taken back by this, especially since she only had shaved ice once in her life, and that was when she was three years old. When I asked her about her journal entry, she was very clear that this was her dream, that she’d even been talking with God about it. She saw this as a way to bring our family together. She knew my husband and I were having some problems, and she thought this may make things better if we could all work together and travel to see her relatives in other cities. I started to pray about this, and it became clear to me that God was not going to give our daughter this vision and not see it through. I knew I had to listen to what God and my daughter were saying. I had no idea how to start this business, much less anything about shaved ice. But I decided to pour myself into this for three months. So for 90 days,… Read More

  • Labor Special Needs


    My brother, Jordan, inspired us to start Unless U, a faith-based continuing education program in a college-like environment for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Jordan was my best friend throughout my childhood. We had so much fun together. But other children did not understand his needs, so I learned at an early age to be his advocate. I also noticed that Jordan's disability doesn't limit his desire to have the same opportunities as others. He always wanted to be like everyone else. He did not understand it when my brother and I got to drive a car, and he couldn't; or when we graduated high school and went to college, and he didn't. A turning point in my life came when I was moving into my college dorm. The hurt on Jordan's face that day was real, and it stuck with me. The sadness he felt challenged me to think differently. Why can't Jordan go to college? Why can't he take classes, go to dances, or even have a t-shirt with his school's name on it? Throughout my college years, I thought about how to create something that would make it feel like Jordan was in college, too. God kept growing that desire in me every year. In one of my classes, I compiled a business plan for starting a school for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities that could be similar to a college experience. I felt God nudging me to pursue this and telling me to step out in faith. After all, if not, who will? That day came shortly after college… Read More

  • Labor Overcoming Obstacles Recovery


    I had a secret that I hid for almost two decades. It was awful and I was ashamed. But I learned that what the enemy intended for evil, God can use for His glory. I had graduated from college and wanted to be an occupational therapist. I was working in a rehab facility and praying that God would help me get into graduate school. But I’m a person that does not do well on standardized tests. I took the GRE six different times and could never get the necessary score. My dream was shattered and I was left without a plan. What was I going to do? I prayed diligently and God answered in a way I didn't anticipate. I had been singing in the praise band at church since I was 12 and just for fun, I would record the cover songs of certain artists and put them up on a YouTube channel and my Facebook page. A gentleman who was in a band in Nashville heard and liked my voice. After contacting me and hearing several other of my recordings, he invited me to Nashville to write. After a year of recording the new songs, they were presented to the President of a record label that he happened to know, just to see if they'd be interested in working with me. The record company ended up liking what they heard, and signed me to a recording deal at age 23. That eventually led to me being part of a nationwide tour that included concerts in 40 different cities. But after the tour, I… Read More

  • Loss Of Loved One Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


    On this particular morning, I felt led to pray for my husband before I left for the day. I don’t remember the words that came out of my mouth, but I knew he was stressed at work. Normally, I would check in with him by text throughout the day and get a quick response. But I didn't hear back from him all day long. When I got home and he wasn't there, but his car was, I knew something was going on and immediately called the police. After two days of searching and praying, there was a knock at the door. The officer said that they had found him, that he wouldn’t be coming home, and that it looked like suicide. I was a new mom gearing up to celebrate my son’s first birthday and the most traumatic moment of my life happened. There was no inclination that suicide was on my husband’s mind. We were in a sweet season of life with our son. I’ve tried looking back to see what I had missed, but at some point, I had to decide to stop trying to figure it out. I’ve concluded that I will not ever fully understand suicide or mental health. I decided to turn my gaze to Jesus and the Word for truth. My understanding of this broken and fallen world deepened, and it caused me to run to Jesus. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes and gave me new hope as I read James 1:2-4 over and over again. “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet… Read More

  • Children Labor Overcoming Obstacles


    God has blessed me to be the shepherd of some of His hurting children who have survived life-altering burn injuries. He’s allowed me to become the Executive Director of the Connecticut Burns Care Foundation. We put on a Children's Burn Camp every summer: about half of our campers have minor burns, but the other half have very serious burns over parts or all of their body. Our week-long camp in July is free to any child who has suffered a burn. The camp allows these burn survivors to have fun and just be kids. It's a beautiful location on 176 acres with our own pond for swimming and boating. They enjoy hiking, fishing, archery, and campfires. Our camp’s goal is to build self-esteem and confidence through physical and social activities so the kids can overcome their anxieties and help them move beyond their scarring and burn injuries. We hope the time at the camp gives these burn survivors a chance to experience something that is fun, empowering, energizing and full of self-discovery. We want to provide them with memories that will sustain and inspire them. We don't turn any child away and we average about 70 kids each year. We’ve had burn survivors come from several countries including Russia, Jamaica, Peru, Croatia, and Vietnam. Our foundation pays for their lodging, meals, arts & crafts and all the activities for every camper. Each one of our counselors donates their time. They are either active or retired firefighters, medical personnel trained in treating burns, burn survivors themselves, or just caring individuals. Almost every one of… Read More

  • Homeless Prayer Verbalizing the Gospel


    I am a man who has a strong passion for the less fortunate. What I prefer to call it is a God-given burden for people. The city in which I live is one of the most impoverished and crime-ridden cities in the country. For the past 39 years, I have given my time and efforts to the homeless people of Flint and Detroit, Michigan. I donate whatever I can to them. More than clothes or food though, the most important thing we can give is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are so many in this world that feel hopeless. But we have this hope in God that can literally save their lives. If we have God, we have everything. This past holiday season, I made and handed out 19 meals to homeless men and women on the streets of Flint and prayed with them. What's incredible is that three of them received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 says, “Then Peter said unto them, repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Although I give food and clothes to these people, those things are only temporary. We must keep our eyes on what is eternal. Matthew 6:25, 33 says “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? But seek first his kingdom… Read More