How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Children Hospital Senior Citizens


    I may be 90 years old but I can still serve the Lord. So I’ve been making hats for newborn babies for 15 years. I’ve made over 11,000, and hope to continue making them until I’m 100! Jesus told us that we are to love and help one another, and this is one thing I can do at my age to demonstrate that love. I think they look cute on the babies but they also serve an important medical purpose: the hats help stabilize a baby’s body temperature and keep the child warm as they adapt to life outside the womb. This started for me back in 2006. My ladies group at church would stay after our meetings and take on a small project. One time, a nurse from the local hospital, UPMC Western Maryland, came and showed our group how to make an infant’s hat that looks like a toboggan. Our group did this a couple times, but I liked it and thought it was something I could keep doing at home. So, I did! It takes me about 10 or 15 minutes to make one hat and I do about 10 in an evening. I have a roll of white stockinette fabric and I cut them into strips the size of a cereal box top. I fold them into a dome shape without seams because those might hurt the infant’s delicate skin; then I turn up the bottom and tie a blue or a pink ribbon on top. Someone from the hospital now drops off the fabric to me each month… Read More

  • Labor Special Needs


    Purpose over profit. That is the mission behind The Red Porch. I was working at an organization that runs programs for developmentally disabled adults when they partnered with the owners of an old office building to create a very unique coffee house. This café would be used as a training facility for developmentally disabled adults. The project heads knew I had coffee knowledge, so they pulled me onto the project as manager. In the initial planning stages, I discovered how much God’s hand was involved in the project. The staff and I set aside a day to taste pastries and coffee drinks to determine which ones would become part of our menu. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door and found a sunburned, ragged-looking man at the door. He asked for water and a restroom. I obliged. The thought came to me to offer him more since we had all this spread of coffee and pastries. He gladly accepted, and explained he was walking across the country to give witness to God. “I don’t have the strength, but God has the strength to carry me through.” His words stayed with me. What an amazing witness to the faith. The man asked if he could pray over us. We joyously accepted the road warrior’s blessing, and the café, The Red Porch, has been a huge success ever since. We have the support of the community even before we ask them. I remember a time when someone out of the blue called to offer us an ice cream cooler. We were searching for one but… Read More

  • Hospital Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


    Katherine and Jay Wolf had, what many would consider, a perfect life. They had a wonderful marriage, he was in law school, she was a model and they had just welcomed their son six months earlier. But everything changed on April 21, 2008. While preparing food for some people at their church, Katherine felt her hands, arms, and legs go numb and fell to the floor, as their infant son napped in his crib. Jay just happened to come home for lunch that day, and found his wife on the floor. She was rushed to the hospital and surgeons determined she had suffered a massive stroke in her brain stem, caused by a twisted cluster of arteries that had been there since birth. She underwent a 16-hour surgery where doctors removed 60% of her cerebellum, the area of the brain that controls motor functions. The surgeon described the mass of blood vessels in Katherine’s brain as “the largest he had ever seen, in the worst possible location, and with the worst possible amount of bleeding.” Her surgeons feared this would leave her paralyzed or possibly in a vegetative state. She was kept on life support for 40 days. When she woke from her coma, her right side was paralyzed, and she couldn’t swallow, speak or walk. “When I woke, I had IVs, a tracheotomy, a feeding tube and I had paralysis on my right side, including my mouth and tongue,” said Katherine. “I couldn’t articulate how I was feeling, so I’d use my left hand and type out letters on my letterboard… Read More

  • Labor Loving Your Neighbor Verbalizing the Gospel


    My mission field is rather unique: it's my auto repair shop that I opened 17 years ago. Since it was God that blessed me with this business, I made a commitment that I wanted Him to be honored there. I needed it to be a place of worship and blessings. Many would say that working on cars and worshiping Jesus don't really go hand-in-hand, but Jesus was a carpenter and I wanted His presence there throughout the day. My goal was to have all my customers and suppliers also feel the anointing spirit of the Lord. I had trouble finding a station that consistently played praise and worship music, but after searching, the Lord led me to an Internet radio station called AllWorship. It totally transforms the atmosphere of our shop. Playing Christian music changes the mood; it just gives everyone that enters my building a feeling of peace. People are surprised to hear Christian music playing freely in an auto repair shop. So many times, I've seen people come in totally stressed because their car has broken down. But the presence of the Lord through this music calms and reassures them. If the Lord urges me, I take time to talk and pray with anyone that may need a touch from Him, no matter how busy I am. I can feel a nudge from God on whether something is troubling that person besides their car. That prodding leads to a personal discussion which sometimes yields some very amazing results. I've seen many lives changed, like the parts guy who… Read More

  • Labor Loss Of Loved One Unique Ministries


    “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” they say and for me, it’s true. I believe that the Lord calls us to be servants unto one another, using our abilities for Him. Although I own a cleaning company, I volunteer my services to help those who are in need. I live in a very small community so word gets around quickly when someone is sick, injured, or there’s a death in the family. Some bring food and others send flowers. I head over and bring my mop, broom, and cleaning supplies. I’ve cleaned free of charge for many elderly people who were just not able to clean for themselves. I’ve also cleaned for many when there’s been a death in the family and visitors are due to stop by. One of the hardest things I have done was to clean the home of someone who has just passed, but I do it as unto the Lord. I also clean the church I go to every week and never charge for it. A friend was on vacation when she learned her adult son was in the hospital so she hurried back home. By the time she got back in town, I had her house clean so she had one less thing to worry about. I have a medical background so I have taken care of a number of friends and family members with cancer and other major illnesses. I always make sure their house is spotless and never charge them a penny. I have made it known that my charity cleaning extends to the local churches I… Read More

  • Labor Unique Ministries Verbalizing the Gospel


    “Why live on the edge when you can jump off?” is my motto. I’ve always been up for a challenge. I love the Lord and enjoy using my athletic abilities as an opportunity to share His love. I grew up in  church and planned to be in the ministry in a physically active area working with young people. I wanted to be a youth pastor or start a youth camp. After college I received a Master of Religious Education. Then I met and married my Godly husband. We adopted an amazing son so I became a stay-at-home mom, teaching Karate from my garage. As my son was growing up, I competed in three Primal Quest extreme adventure races--the world’s most grueling 10-day, non-stop athletic expedition--and other athletic events that pushed me to my limits and allowed me to reach out to people who might not have otherwise been receptive to the Gospel. I shared my testimony at churches and for organizations and also wrote a book. I figured that was how God had chosen to use me. But that wasn’t all He had in mind. Much to my surprise, when I turned 50, God laid out the rest of His plan. My son was in high school by then and I was led to go back to school to get my doctorate in Psychology. Although I had a heart to help people, it is still hard to believe I am in a job where I have to sit still. I love being active. The Bible says God has our hairs numbered. He cares about… Read More