Mission Work

  • Children Mission Work Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


    Throughout my life, I have managed spherocytosis which causes a weak immune system. I've battled this disease and with each step, God has guided a sickly little girl into the strong youth pastor that I am today. Two weeks before turning 16, I had my spleen removed due to my illness. While in my recovery room, feeling pity for myself, a younger, sicker patient walked in and out of the blue announced that she was praying for me. God provided an eye-opener at that moment of how lucky I was with my family and church to provide me needed emotional support.… Read More

  • Church Activities Loss Of Loved One Loving Your Neighbor Mission Work Unique Ministries


    My life is pretty busy. Between work and family, there just isn't a lot of time left for ministry. For a long time, I felt really guilty about that. Twice a year, my church parades people from various ministries across the stage in hopes of getting new volunteers. I would watch as each went by and think, "Man, this is not for me." At least, that was my response until my pastor spoke one Sunday morning about a ministry he wanted to start. He was looking for people who could change the oil in cars. That seemed like a simple request. I've… Read More

  • Church Activities Mission Work Prayer


    When I read Scripture, I see Jesus sharing His love with the nations. From Genesis to Revelation, it is all about missions to me. I've been on several short-term mission trips to various parts of the world. Each trip has enriched my life in more ways than I can recount. I was definitely blessed far more than I blessed others. However, the Lord has not called me to full-time missions. But I can still be part of this effort. There is so much that can be done from right here at home to bless the nations. So I became the missions coordinator for… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Labor Mission Work


    It’s been said that life can change in an instant. For me, a trip to Africa in 2012 altered the course of my life forever. On that trip, I was introduced firsthand to orphans. I had read about them and seen videos, but actually holding a child who did not know the love of a family stirred my heart. Already a mother to two beautiful girls, my heart was pulled in the direction of international adoption. In 2013, my husband and I started the long and difficult journey of growing our family through adoption. We knew we were being called to adopt… Read More

  • Children Mission Work Unique Ministries


    I'll never forget the day in Guatemala when my missions team came across some children on the street. In an effort to build relationships with the kids, some of my teammates started chatting in their limited Spanish. I sat down with a boy who was a little separated from the group, and after exhausting the few Spanish phrases I knew, a teammate told him I was an art teacher. He jumped up, ran home and returned with a pack of crayons. We sat on the curb drawing animals, trucks, and whatever else he could think of. God showed me that art… Read More

  • Mission Work Verbalizing the Gospel


    Before Jesus, I was a bit of a rebel. I was a lone wolf who lived a “Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll” lifestyle. My heart was hardened, and I hid my pain by being the life of the party. Four years ago, I hit rock bottom and did not want to live anymore. I gave my life to God in a jail cell and was a completely new man walking out of captivity. Despite my wretched situation, I had overwhelming peace when I got released. Months later, God showed His love, mercy, and grace when I received a very light… Read More

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