
  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery Unique Ministries


    When I was 12, I was raped by three teenage boys. It shook me to my core. I felt scarred, was blamed for it, reacted with rebellious behavior and began running away from home, repeatedly. At 15, I was on the streets and miserable. A man I knew said he "loved" me, and offered me a home. He was nice; he knew I needed food and shelter. It turns out there were four other girls living there. He said we each had to bring in a certain amount of money daily to support our family. He was our husband, daddy or… Read More

  • Prayer Recovery Unique Ministries


    I was a picture of good health until May 2001. We were vacationing at the beach when I got a call from my doctor, telling me I had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The news brought me to my knees. I was scared and shaken, wondering how this could be. Me? I took a walk alone on the beach, crying out to God. And on that long walk, I met God like I never had before. In my fear and through my cries, I got a message that this was not the end. He told me I would be alright, but He wanted me… Read More

  • Mentoring Overcoming Obstacles Recovery


    I am a recovering alcoholic. I've been sober now for 27 years and that's truly by the power and grace of God. Alcohol almost killed me. It destroyed my first marriage and I got in a horrible car accident when I was under the influence, breaking my hip. But fortunately I got into a 12-step program, and it was there that I established a true relationship with the Lord. My life has never been the same. Being part of a fellowship of other alcoholics is like taking your medicine if you're a diabetic---it's vital for your health. And I feel led to help… Read More

  • Recovery Unique Ministries


    I have been fighting sex trafficking in Boston for the past eight years. My exposure to this horror began in college. I heard a presentation from the founder of "Not for Sale" about modern day slavery and human trafficking. I couldn't believe how much was happening right here in the United States. I was shocked and horrified. I heard a clear calling from the Lord to get involved somehow. I began an internship and naively thought all I needed to do is tell everyone, and then it would stop. I soon realized human trafficking is overwhelmingly complicated. I encountered my… Read More

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