When I had my first son, I stopped working and stayed home. I loved it, but after nine months, I started to go a little stir crazy and missed the socialization. That's when a friend told me about MOPS---Mothers of Preschoolers. I found one nearby and went to my first meeting, scared to death. But once I got there, I loved it! I was suddenly surrounded by other moms like me, craving connection during that season of motherhood. I saw firsthand how they encouraged young moms, all while incorporating God's word. At MOPS, I spent time with a table leader and a mentor mom. My mentor mom was great. She would invite us over for tea and just pour into us. For moms with little ones dripping off of us and feeling exhausted, it was wonderful to have a more experienced mom remind us that "it'll all be okay." The next year, I felt led to be a table leader and continued in the program until the youngest of our seven children graduated from the program. Then, I was approached to be a mentor mom. I was humbled. It hit me that I was now at the point where I could pour into new moms the same way my mentor did for me. God had used MOPS to bless me, and now I get to be on the other end, serving Him and blessing others. Many years later, I am still serving as a MOPS mentor because He isn't yet done with me there. God still has something else for… Read More
How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith
Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
When Hurricane Florence hit Myrtle Beach, it left over 2,000 families without a home. They literally had nothing. I knew I had to do something to help. Growing up, my mom taught me we should love our neighbors and treat others like you'd want to be treated. I own a 70-room inn, so I told people they could come stay with me for free as long as they needed. We filled up immediately. They were hungry and had nothing to their name. Since I love to cook, I fired up my grill, bought some burgers and hot dogs, and fed everyone. I didn't know how we'd handle day two but I had faith the Lord would help us in some way. I wasn't prepared for how much He helped. The response from our community was overwhelming, and the kindness just spread. People started showing up, handing me money to help our residents. Local restaurants donated meals for all 350 people crammed into our inn, so we started feeding them three meals a day for several weeks. The love kept multiplying. Barbers came to cut hair, artists to paint children's faces, DJs to play music, veterinarians to take care of their pets, and clowns to make people smile. God met every one of our needs. My friend is a social media consultant (I never thought I'd need one of those!) and established a Facebook account, Myrtle Beach Midtown Disaster Relief. We could post the specific needs of people, like "my husband starts a job next week and needs size 14 work boots". The… Read More
I am a missionary kid. I grew up in Panama where I joined my parents in ministry throughout the country. I saw God do some pretty amazing things. When I was a child, I was called to missions. Honestly, I always assumed my life would be me and my family living overseas, doing the work of the Lord. So, when I moved to Tanzania after college, it seemed my dreams were becoming a reality. However, when my two-year assignment in Tanzania finished, I found myself single, alone, and heading back the United States without a real direction for my future. I took the first job offered to me, working to help new missionaries go overseas. It seemed ironic I was helping so many get to their respective places of service while I stayed behind in America answering emails. I've now been in the United States for four very long years. However, during that time, I have traveled around the country, sharing my passion for the lost to be reached for Jesus. Mostly, this means setting up tables with pamphlets at universities, and then having conversations with students interested in missions. It seems so simple, and yet I have seen hundreds of college students answer the call to go, and I have helped them get there. I have worked with teams in the field in need of a particular skill set and found the person they needed. I have been a part of an answer to prayer for so many. I don't know what the future holds for me. I hope I do get… Read More
In September of 2011, the son of one of my marketing clients was struck by a car. He was a very active eight-year-old and had broken both of his legs. I went searching for a gift for him and couldn’t find what I had in mind. He loved his favorite team and was going to be laying in a hospital bed recovering for a long time. So that night, I stayed up until 3 a.m. creating the first ever Roll Tide Activity Book as a gift for him. Just a month prior, I had changed my prayers, asking God to help me find a way to live a more meaningful life and to impact others. With this creation, I saw a way I could make a difference in the lives of children who were hurting. I hired a graphic designer and a year later, I had my first sports activity book in print. The reaction was amazing. I took my savings and immersed myself in this full-time. In the Sports Zone is now a full line of licensed team activity books, storybooks, and coloring books for kids. There is a book for nearly every NFL, NBA and MLB team, as well as over 40 college football teams. I developed an app, so hospitalized kids everywhere can have access to these books, for free, enabling them to have some fun during their very tough times. But more than a business, this is my way of giving back and helping children. I donate thousands of books to those in need. I… Read More
Throughout my life, I have managed spherocytosis which causes a weak immune system. I've battled this disease and with each step, God has guided a sickly little girl into the strong youth pastor that I am today. Two weeks before turning 16, I had my spleen removed due to my illness. While in my recovery room, feeling pity for myself, a younger, sicker patient walked in and out of the blue announced that she was praying for me. God provided an eye-opener at that moment of how lucky I was with my family and church to provide me needed emotional support. It was then when I made a personal decision to pursue missionary work. Weeks later, my father and I went on an international mission trip to the Dominican Republic. During that stay, I saw an important need for shoes. Shoes for children, parents and even the orphanage security guard. When I arrived back home, God opened the door for me to speak at a church. The pastor asked me to share my testimony and the need for shoes for his congregation. At the end of the sermon, the pastor challenged members of his church to leave their shoes at the altar. Immediately, people walked forward giving the shoes off their feet resulting in over 1,000 shoes for the orphanage. It has been one of the most significant moments of my life to see God's work among a group of people. During that one series, we collected enough shoes to last three years. My health has not allowed me to return to the orphanage… Read More
Church Activities Loss Of Loved One Loving Your Neighbor Mission Work Unique Ministries
My life is pretty busy. Between work and family, there just isn't a lot of time left for ministry. For a long time, I felt really guilty about that. Twice a year, my church parades people from various ministries across the stage in hopes of getting new volunteers. I would watch as each went by and think, "Man, this is not for me." At least, that was my response until my pastor spoke one Sunday morning about a ministry he wanted to start. He was looking for people who could change the oil in cars. That seemed like a simple request. I've been changing the oil in cars since I could drive. He started talking about the single moms and widows living in our area. Many haven't had the oil changed in their cars in years, simply because they don't have the money to get it done. My pastor wanted to see if there were people in the congregation who could serve the community in this way. Then, while the oil is being changed, ladies would talk with them to see if there are other things they need, and then pray with them. Now, the first Saturday of each month, I am changing the oil in dozens of cars for single moms. My wife comes and talks with the ladies. Even my kids join us and play with the other kids. I've watched as my children have shown the love of Christ to kids in the area. I smile as I look over to see my wife praying with a lady. I… Read More