
  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Special Needs


    You could say our house is a little busy. We adopted five children from China, all with special needs, after having four biological children. Scripture says to take care of the widows and the orphans, and this is a passion the Lord has given us. My husband and I felt we needed to do something beyond just living a comfortable lifestyle in the suburbs. He has a good job and we wanted to extend that blessing and share the love of Christ. Two of our kids require blood transfusions every three weeks to keep alive, but you'd never know it by the… Read More

  • Children Mentoring Unique Ministries


    I've known about the Mentor Upstate program for years, but I became passionate about it once I lived it. Mentor Upstate started in Greenville by a faith-driven couple who saw the need for healthy adult influence in the lives of kids of Greenville's inner city. Mentor Upstate works to pair a child in need of some adult encouragement through partnerships between schools, businesses, and churches. It is a great program, but unfortunately, there was not a program in our area. My family fostered children, and walking through the fostering experience quickly revealed how much I take mentorship… Read More

  • Children Mission Work


    In the same year that I accepted Christ as Lord over my life and returned to church, I started having dreams. I was dreaming of children that had no shoes and little clothing, children who looked at me with a hunger that was both physical and spiritual. Surprisingly, I had never even heard about mission trips at the time. These dreams continued so I felt I needed to experience a mission trip. I signed up for a short one to Cuba. I led worship there through dance and got to share the gospel with hundreds of Cubans. Cuba revealed a whole… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Unique Ministries


    When we became foster parents 16 years ago, we had little to no support. But, we knew God had called us to foster. We live in Spartanburg County, which currently has more kids in foster care than any other county in South Carolina. When we began, we were disheartened by the lack of attention given to foster care and the lack of support for foster care parents. Recognizing a need, we began P.S. I Love You Ministries. It started as a church ministry where we provided childcare for monthly foster care meetings. In addition, we wanted to be… Read More

  • Children Financial Help Loving Your Neighbor


    I was still reeling from the loss of my baby when Hurricane Katrina stormed New Orleans. As I watched the coverage, my mind immediately went to the mothers. How were these mothers going to take care of their babies when their homes were flooded and they were being bused to auditoriums? I felt moved to go to Sam’s and pick up some big boxes of diapers. Taking diapers seemed like a simple thing, but diapers were needed. And, helping these mothers ministered to my hurting momma heart. So, when my home town of Baton Rouge experienced catastrophic flooding in August 2016,… Read More

  • Children Labor Special Needs


    I am a Transitional Kindergarten teacher and I love working with my students each year! I have been teaching for about twenty years now, and sometimes the work I do is really challenging. Some of my students have learning disabilities or behavioral disorders. Often times, the kids just don't understand what's going on, and their parents may be equally unaware. This can be so difficult. His grace each day gives me the help I need at just the right moment. More importantly, He has given me many opportunities to share the Gospel with both the students and their parents. One… Read More

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